Publish date: 2024-06-27
The Crucible in Destiny 2 is a holy ground for players who love the PvP elements of the title. Despite being slightly unbalanced in certain aspects, Bungie has been providing steady updates to improve the playability of this particular mode, and the game has seen massive improvements in this regard.
The ranking system of the Crucible in Destiny 2 is divided into two different ranking classes. Casual PvP players can use the Quickplay mode to earn reputation points with Lord Shaxx. Those who take the PvP element even more seriously can participate in the competitive playlist to earn points to ascend the rank list.
This article will dive deeper into both of these ranking systems and list the tiers that players will have to accend to get better rewards.
Exploring competitive ranks in Destiny 2's Crucible
In order to get placed in the competitive ranks of Destiny 2's Crucible mode, players will first have to first complete the Dividing the Ladder quest, which is assigned by Lord Shaxx at the Tower. Once they undertake it, they will be redirected to a PvP match. Winning or losing doesn't matter as just participating will cause the quest to update.
The updated challenge will cause the players to partake in six more matches before they get placed into the very first of the competitive ranks. From then on, they will earn points by winning PvP matches and lose the same if they face defeat. Earning more points will cause players to ascend the levels of the ranks that are indexed below:
- Untested
- Copper (Tier III – I)
- Bronze (Tier III – I)
- Silver (Tier III – I)
- Gold (Tier III – I)
- Platinum (Tier III – I)
- Adept (Tier III – I)
- Ascendant
The points earned in every match will be awarded by the system based on the individual performance of the player in that match, along with how well their teammates performed.
Players will sometimes also have to partake in promotional matches, which they will have to win to ascend to higher ranks. On the flip side, those who continuously lose matches will be relegated to lower tiers if they are unable to win the relegation matches.
Players who achieve the rank of Gold III or higher will have to play a certain amount of Crucible competitive matches every week if they wish to hold on to their tiers.
Quickplay ranks in Destiny 2 Crucible
Casual players who are looking to grind reputation points with Lord Shaxx can quickly jump into a quickplay match in the Crucible to improve their reputation tiers. The ranks that they will have to accend are as follows:
- Guardian I
- Guardian II
- Guardian III
- Brave I
- Brave II
- Brave III
- Heroic I
- Heroic II
- Heroic III
- Fabled I
- Fabled II
- Fabled III
- Mythic I
- Mythic II
- Mythic III
- Legend
The reputation tier of the quickplay playlist doesn't depend on whether one wins or loses the match. The more they play, the faster they will be able to ascend the ranks with Lord Shaxx.
These are all the details about Crucible's rankings in Destiny 2 Season of Seraph.
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