Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (2024)


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Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (1)

Complete build guide on Stamina Necromancer DPS build for Elder Scrolls Online Elsweyr chapter

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Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (2)

Necromancer Class

Build Overview

Stamina Necromancers have possessed the power over the death itself and are not afraid to face their enemies in melee combat, because there is nothing like staring into the Death's eyes from up close. They are able to rain death and decay upon their foes and summon Blighted Undead Minions to help them. Necromancers have access to many Class-specific, powerful Stamina-Based abilities which makes them more interesting to Play than other Stamina builds. Thanks to their internal synergies, they are able to sustain themselves on the battlefield without too much of a problem.

We have decided to feature only one item set based on the best items for general usage (and the one with which you will most likely start your End Game Stamina Necromancer adventure). There are better setups for certain encounters and tweaks for either Boss fights or AoE clearing. If you would like alternative gear options included please let us know in the comments section below.

Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (3)ProsStamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (4)Cons
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (5)High AoE Damage with great AoE Burst potentialStamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (6)Not playable yet
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (7)Very Strong Single-Target DPSStamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (8)Follows rather trod down Stamina Build template, although with a Class-Specific flavor
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (9)Can Sustain itself in a long engagement
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (10)Skeletal Summons

Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (11)Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (12)
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Attributes Priority

  1. Magicka -Makes your spells more powerful, and lets you cast more of them, by increasing your total Magicka pool. Stamina Necromanceris not a Magicka-Based caster, and this is a primary Caster statistic, so you should avoid it completely.
  1. Health -Boosts your maximum HP pool, and increases the effectiveness of Healing spells cast at you. Do not allocate your points here, unless you want to make some sort of PvE/PvP hybrid build. Health is mainly for tank builds, DPS builds do not really need it. Allocating points here will result in a DPS loss.
  1. Stamina -Boosts your mobility and avoidance in combat. It also increases the power of allabilities and skills based on Stamina. Damage of your Bow and Daggers is also positively affected by your total Stamina. You should allocate all of your points here.

Primary Skillset
[Dual Wield - DPS Bar]

Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (13)Rending Slashes(Weapon: Dual Wield, morphed fromTwin Slashes) - an instant ability that deals single target Physical Damage and applies a 9-second Bleed effect, while also reducing enemy's movement speed by 40% for the DoT duration. This increases the Single Target DPS and gives some additional Crowd Control potential.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (14)Deadly Cloak(Weapon: Dual Wield, morphed fromBlade Cloak) - when activated, it deals AoE damage to all Targets around you for 15 seconds, and reduces all your AoE Damage taken by 25%. This highly boosts your survivability and lets you shrug off surprisingly high amounts of Punishment.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (15)Blighted Blastbones(Necromancer: Grave Lord, morphed fromBlastbones) -2.5 Second after casting this, a Skeleton will raise from the ground and run towards the Target. When it reaches its destination, it explodes, dealing 1235 Disease Damage to all enemies within the 6-meter radius and reducing their Health Recovery and Healing Received by 30% for 5 seconds. The Skeleton leaves a Corpse after exploding. Great AoE skill that synergizes with your Detonating Siphon and negates Target's Healing.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (16)Venom Skull(Necromancer: Grave Lord, morphed fromFlame Skull) -throws an envenomed skull at your Target, dealing 739 Flame Damage.Every Third Venom Skull cast deals Damage increased by 20%.Every Necromancer ability cast while in combat counts towards the third Cast's 20% Damage bonus. Very strong and efficient ability, especially when chained with other Necromancer's skills.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (17)Detonating Siphon(Necromancer: Grave Lord, morphed fromShocking Siphon) - tears the last spark of life out of a Corpse, dealing 2196 Physical Damage to all Targets between the Necromancer and the targetted Corpse over 12 seconds.After the siphoning is fully complete, it causes a Corpse to explode, dealing 616 Damage to nearby enemies. While Slotted, this increases all your Damage Done by 3%. This might be a bit tricky to use to its full potential, but the passive Damage buff is worth it even if you don't like the skill.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (18)Ultimate: Flawless Dawnbreaker (Guild: Fighters Guild, morphed from Dawnbreaker) - a potent AoE Ultimate, which deals high Physical Damage up front and Over Time to all Targets in front of you. It also passively increases your Weapon Damage. Great and flexible Ultimate choice, as it provides AoE and a Permanent Damage buff in one ability.

Secondary Skillset
[Bow - Buff/AoE/DoT Bar]

Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (19)Endless Hail (Weapon: Bow, morphed from Volley) - deals Physical Damage to every Target in the Marked Area for 10 seconds; its synergy with the Maelstrom Bow makes it one of the strongest AoE abilities in the game. Great both for Single Target, and AoE encounter phases.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (20)Poison Injection(Weapon: Bow, morphed from Poison Arrow) - very solid Damage over Time ability, especially great for Execute phases, as it deals up to 200% more damage to Enemies under 50% of total Health. As a ranged skill, this can be used in order to avoid Downtime when moving around.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (21)Razor Caltrops (Alliance War: Assault, morphed from Caltrops) - great AoE Damage over Time ability which deals Physical Damage to the primary Target, and all other enemies around it. Every Target damaged is also slowed for a short amount of time. Because of its high cost, this ability requires proper resource management in order to be used to its full power.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (22)Rearming Trap (Guild: Fighters Guild, morphed from Trap Beast) - one of the most flexible abilities in the game, and a staple of all Stamina builds. It serves as Buff, Crowd Control, and a DoT in one ability. When used, it places a Trap under your feet, which when triggered, applies a DoT, deals Physical Damage, immobilizes the Enemy for 6 seconds, and grants you 10% increased Critical Damage. It also rearms itself after being triggered, so it can activate multiple times during its 1-minute uptime. This ability's flexibility is unmatched by any other skill.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (23)Skeletal Archer(Necromancer: Grave Lord, morphed fromSkeletal Mage) - summons a Skeletal Archer who deals Physical Damageand has a stacking Damage buff that increases Skeletal Archer's Damage Done by 10% each time it deals Damage. This is a very efficient offensive Skill that boosts your Priority Target Damage significantly. You should maintain your Skeleton all the time because of the Undead Confederate passive (this will solve your Sustain problems)
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (24)

Ultimate: Pestilent Colossus(Necromancer: Grave Lord, morphed fromFrozen Colossus) -unleashes a Pestilent Colossus on nearby enemies, dealing 1232 Disease Damage three times. Each hit increases all damage taken by affected enemies by 30% for 3 seconds. Costs 225 Ultimate. Great AoE Ultimate that boosts Group's Burst potential significantly. This skill really shines when combined with other strong Area of Effect Abilities.

Notable Passive Skills

Below you will find the notable Passive Skills for this build. Please note that thereare dozens of good passive skills for Stamina Builds available in the game, which provides a lot of space for tweaking customization. You should treat the below-described passive abilities as guidelines which should be followed in order to optimize your character.
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (25)Accuracy (Weapon: Bow) - increases your Weapon Critical rating by 1095. More Crits equals more Damage
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (26)Last Gasp (Necromancer: Bone Tyrant) -Increases your maximum Health by 2000. Survivability booster, more Health equals a lower chance of dying randomly
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (27)Death Knell (Necromancer: Grave Lord)-Each Grave Lord ability slotted increases your Critical Strike Chance against Targets below 25% Health by 10%. More Damage in execute phases is always welcome
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (28)Dismember (Necromancer: Grave Lord)-Increases your Physical and Spell Penetration by 1500 when a Grave Lord ability is active. This will provide you with some extra DPS
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (29)Rapid Rot (Necromancer: Grave Lord)-Your Damage Over Time effects now deal 10% increased Damage. Flat out Damage increase
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (30)Corpse Consumption (Necromancer: Living Death)-You generate 10 Ultimate when you use an ability on a Corpse. This effect has a 16-second internal Cooldown. More Ultimate is always great, especially when you have an Ultimate as powerful as Necro's Pestilent Colossus
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (31)Undead Confederate (Necromancer: Living Death)-Your Stamina and Magicka recovery is increased by 300 when you have a Necromancer summon active. This is a must-have, as it gives you constant bonus to Stamina regeneration when combined with your Skeletal Archer
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (32)Slaughter (Weapon: Dual Wield) - you deal 20% more damage to Targets below 25% Health. This increases your Burst Damage potential in execute phases
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (33)Undaunted Mettle(Guild: Undaunted) - increases your Magicka, Stamina and Maximum Health by 2% per type of Armor equipped. This has good synergy with your Leeching Strikes Stamina injection effect because it lets you avoid overcapping Stamina when the effect triggers, and straight up Stamina increase is great in and of itself
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (34)Wind Walker(Armor: Medium Armor) - increases your Stamina Recovery rate by 4% and reduces the Stamina cost of your abilities by 2% for every piece of Medium Armor equipped. More Stamina equals more Damage, which makes it another must-have
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (35)Dexterity(Armor: Medium Armor) - increases your Weapon Critical rating by 328 for every piece of Medium Armor equipped. You want to wear pretty much only Medium Armor, so this is just a must-have passive
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (36)Agility (Armor: Medium Armor) - increases your Weapon Damage by 15% if you wear at least 5 pieces of Medium Armor. Another great Medium Armor passive
Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (37)Hawk Eye(Weapon: Bow) - successful Heavy and Light attacks increase the damage of your Bow skills by 5%; this effect lasts for 5 seconds and stacks up to 5 times. Pretty self-explanatory provides you with a nice Damage boost


Recommended Items and Sets:
Chest: Hunding's Rage Set
Type: MediumTrait: DivineGlyph: Stamina
Legs: Hunding's Rage Set
Gloves: MediumTrait: DivineGlyph: Stamina
Gloves: Hunding's Rage Set
Type: MediumTrait: DivineGlyph: Stamina
Boots: Hunding's Rage Set
Type: MediumTrait: DivineGlyph: Stamina
Belt: Hunding's Rage Set
Type: MediumTrait: DivineGlyph: Stamina
Head: Stormfist Set
Type: HeavyTrait: DivineGlyph: Stamina
Shoulder: StormfistSet
Type: MediumTrait: DivineGlyph: Stamina
Necklace: Briarheart Set
Type: JewelryTrait: BloodthirstyGlyph: Weapon Damage
Ring 1: Briarheart Set
Type: JewelryTrait: BloodthirstyGlyph: Weapon Damage
Ring 2: Briarheart Set
Type: JewelryTrait: BloodthirstyGlyph: Weapon Damage
DW Weapon 1: Briarheart Set
Type: DaggerTrait: NirnhonedGlyph: Poison Damage Enchant
DW Weapon 2: Briarheart Set
Type: DaggerTrait: SharpenedGlyph: Absorb Stamina Enchant
Ranged Weapon: Maelstrom's Bow
Type: BowTrait: InfusedGlyph: Weapon Damage Enchant
Sets used in this build:

Hunding's Rage: CraftableArmor, Jewelry and Weapons Set available in all armor types (Light, Medium, and Heavy). Very good for Stamina-based DPS builds, thanks to the 299 Weapon Damage increase set bonus. This set is a part of the base game, and its Crafting Stations are located inThe Rift (Trollslayer Gully),Bangkorai (Wether's Cleft), andReaper's March (Broken Arch). This can be bought from Players, or crafted (each part requires 6 Traits to make). This set grants the following bonuses:

  1. (2 items) Adds833 Weapon Critical
  2. (3 items) Adds1096 Maximum Stamina
  3. (4 items) Adds833Weapon Critical
  4. (5 items) Adds299 Weapon Damage

Stormfist Set: a Heavy, Medium or Light armor setwhich can be acquired in Tempest Island (located in Malbal Tor), and Glirion (the Redbeard's Chest). Set's armor class and the traitis RNG-based, so it is possible, that you will get Light or Heavy armor variant. The set grants the following bonuses:

  1. (1 item) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
  2. (2 items) When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to create a thunderfist to crush the enemy, dealing 1650 Shock Damage every 1 second for 3 seconds to all enemies within 4 meters and a final 8000 Physical Damage when the fist closes; it has an 8-second internal cooldown.

Briarheart Set: this is a very solid set choice for any Stamina DPS build. It is a world drop from the Orsinium DLC content and drops in Wrothgar; it can also be purchased from Guild Traders. It can also be bought from Guild Traders. This set grants:

  1. (2 items) Adds 833 Weapon Critical
  2. (3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
  3. (4 items) Adds 833 Weapon Critical
  4. (5 items) Dealing Critical Damage has a 10% chance to increase your Weapon Damage by 449 for 10s. Your Critical Strikes heal you for 609 HP during the uptime; it has a 10-second internal cooldown.

Maelstrom Set - this set is made up by a single piece and can be obtained from veteran Maelstrom Arena. All Maelstrom weapons have a special proc which depends on a weapon type, and is related to a specific ability; a Maelstrom Bow will grant you:

  1. (1 item; Bow) Volley now deals 161 more Damage with each tick, and an additional 56 every time it ticks.

Champion Points

High priority
The Lover: Mooncalf
The Steed: Ironclad
The Ritual: Mighty, Precise Strikes
The Shadow: Tumbling, Shadow Ward
The Atronach: Master-at-Arms
Medium priority
The Ritual: Thaumaturge
The Lover: Tenacity
The Lady: Elemental Defender, Hardy, Thick Skinned
The Steed: Spellshield
Low priority
The Ritual: Piercing
The Atronach: Physical Weapon Expert
The Tower: Warlord

Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (38)Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (39)
Odealo supports player-to-player trading for Elder Scrolls Online. Buying from regular players on Odealo guarantees the best prices and highest security of every transaction.


This is the premiere version of our Stamina Necromancer Pocket Build for Elder Scrolls Online. The Gear Setup presented here is mid-tier, and it should let you get a proper feel of the Class, and provide you with enough power to start your Trial runs. Weplan to add customization options for certain encounters and alternative gear options in the foreseeable future.If you have any suggestions, please write them down in the comments section.

Pictures used in this article are theintellectual property of Bethesda Softworks

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Stamina Necromancer PvE DPS ESO build - Updated 2019 (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.