The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2025)

B. TIFFANY, -DEALER IN- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, AND SHOES at low water mark prices and below successful competition. Also proprietor of the ATHENS BAKERY. Your trade solicited. Respectfully, W.


FRIDAY, AUG. 28, 1891. Plums are abundant. School opens Monday. August is on its last legs.

September is the first Fall month. Latest novelties in ties at Dee Co's. Tuesday is the first Autumn day of '91. This is the time of year to place orders for coal. Three rooms to rent.

Inquire of Joe R. Williams. Charley, we'll let you off this time but look out next. Miss Louise W. Bishop is prepared to instruct piano pupils.

You can find the finest line of 5 and 10 cent tablets at Jump's. Miss Daisy Beebe, of Auburn, N. is visiting at Mrs. Whittle's. Tax Collector Mercereau reports about $9,000 taxes already paid in.

Trout season closes in New York state on August 31st and opens May 1st. The Lehigh Valley Coal Co. sell the best coal. Full weight guaranteed. Jump's pharmacy is the place to get your old books exchanged for new.

Large line of children's waists and blouses can be found at Dee The price of coal is the same at all the yards in Sayre, Waverly and Athens. The lawns about this place never looked brighter than they do at the present time. LosT--a child's gold bracelet. Finder will please leave same at the postoftice. The Central New York Methodist Conference meets next month at Cortland, N.

Y. Assistant freight agent, Bert Hayden, the artist, was in Bethlehem Saturday on business. The races opened Tuesday at Athens and were well attended -some good racing was witnessed. If you want coal from the celebrated Henry or Prospect mines give your orders to J. S.

Hamilton. A car load of school books to exchange at Jump's pharmacy at prices decided on by the school board. Legal gentlemen were unusually thick in town Wednesday forenoon. They swarmed in like bees. Leave your laundry with J.

F. Dee Co. A No. 1 work guaranteed and mending done free of charge. N.

F. Walker has been plotting out lots on the north end of Wilbur avenue for the Sayre Land Company. The opening of Wilbur ave. the length of Sayre places some of the best and most desirable lots in the place on the market. The West Sayre Sunday-school children held a picnic last Saturday in Westbrook's grove, and greatly enjoyed themselves.

August was to be the first month of a very long drouth. Guess some one has pulled the plug on the weather prophet this time. The Auxiliary of the Robert Packer Hospital will meet to-day (Friday) at Mrs. Whittle's. MRS.

J. W. BISHOP, Sec'y. Plums are so plenty about the lakes up in New York that the people can not find market for them at prices sufticent to pay for handling. C.

E. Loetzer is out again. Geneva has nine fire companies. That's enough. Sayre was well represented at the Athens races this week.

Jno Hammond has the fence painted about his new house. Athens has nearly 800 pupils enrolled on the school register. Mrs. Mary Marsh, of Wilkes-Barre, is visiting friends in town. Wm.

McDonald, a Sayre brakeman, is laid off with rheumatism. The boiler house for the Robert Packer Hospital is progressing rapidly. Politics are warming up--the wire pullers are renewing t1 their hold. Miss Bert Keer has been at Scranton visiting friends for several days. Mrs.

E. B. Thatcher, of West Danby, visited Mrs. Hall and daughter last week. Jump has more school supplies than he wants, so has decided to sell them cheap.

Edward Hogan, of Waverly, was severely cut in the forehead by a chisel the 20th. Miss Kate Hovey left Sayre Monday for Cooperstown, N. to attend a wedding. Admission in the evening to the InterState Fair at Elmira this year will be 25 cents. Harry Folkenson and sister Annie, of South Easton, are visiting at Postmaster Burk's.

At Dee is the only place you can buy the celebrated Sweet-Orr Newburg overalls. S. E. Evans, a Sayre brakeman, has been nursing a thumb which was severely pinched. There are three divorce cases in the court of common pleas of this county for next term.

Jos. G. Howe, cabinet workman at the Strauss car shop, has been laid up with an injured elbow. Miss Carrie Kasper, of Pittston, sister of Conductor John Kasper, is visiting with Miss Nellie Hull. Mrs.

Pierce Lence and daughter Lizzie, of Lehighton, are visiting Miss Anna Swartz, on Desmond street. Eldridge Dedrick, engineer on 8 and 15 from this place to Hornellsville, is ill at his home on Thomas avenue. Thomas Murray, a brakeman of South Waverly, has been suffering with a knee injured by falling on a switch. Miss Ella Sheahan gave a tea last evening at her home on Lehigh avenue to a number of her young friends. George Canoll, a machinist at the locomotive shops, received a painful wound of the eye while on duty the 25th.

Every gallon of genuine Wadsworth Mixed Paint is guaranteed to give satisfaction. MERRIAM Waverly. Just received at Seward car of No. 1 lath, the finest lot we have ever been able to offer to our customers. 25-3 Three trains each way daily are run over the Montrose railroad from Montrose station on the L.

W. to Montrose borough. Miss Emma L. Bush, teacher in the Sayre schools '90-91, left town last week for Minnesota, expecting to be absent several months. The R.

A. Packer band go to Owego Tuesday night and will give a concert that evening and take part in the firemen's parade the 2d. The union Sunday-school picnic which was to have left this place yesterday morning for Eldridge Park, was postponed until this morning. The train will leave at 8:15. Recent real estate transfers in Sayre borough Mary E.

Kerrick to Miss Luella E. Hoagland, lot, $250; Mrs. Etta Plummer to R. D. Wood lots, $8,500.

The Sexennial League of this place has 210 members: has remitted $9055.50 Philadelphia, to headquarters, while members have received $6330.00 in sick claims. Clarke Dampman, a switchman in the Coxton yards, is under treatment at the Robert Packer Hospital for knee joint trouble resulting from injuries received some months ago. The Lehigh Valley Coal Co. are getting in a fine lot of coal for the fall tradebest coal that comes into this marketclean, bright and well prepared. Their price is $4.50 for 2000 pounds, put in your cellar.

Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Thomas, of Philadelphia, are visiting their son, W.

G. Thomas, in Milltown. Mr. Thomas has had many years experience in the art of printing, and is at present connected with Wescott Thomson, electrotypers, of Philadelphia. On Saturday last the two families took in the scenery about Niagara Falls.

Mrs. D. G. Lyon and children left this place last week for their new home at Buffalo. Bruster's prices on the school books are the ones named by the School Board in the TIMES.

Miss Maggie Flynn, of Elmira, was in town this week visiting her friend, Miss Ella Pickley. Mrs. M. Wheelock and granddaughter of Sayre are visiting at H. E.

Wyalusing Rocket. A large excursion from Geneva and vicinity, enroute for New York City passed this place Tuesday. Mrs. H. P.

Troutman, who was at one time considered dangerously ill, is slowly recovering at her home on Lockhart street. The great Inter-State Fair opens on Tuesday next. The Erie sells excursion tickets very low including admission to the ground. Merriam Waverly, sell the No. 9 Lake Andes Range with high shelf and reservoir for $25, and warrant every one to give satisfaction.

An aged canine on Desmond street had a fit one evening last week and a number of citizens became much worried, thinking it had gone mad. The fresh dumped dirt at the North Hector Gorge is so great that it pushes the tressle out of shape and the work was abandoned for a time. Wm. Rea, of Ithaca, G. S.

brakeman, has been receiving treatment at the Robert Packer Hospital for a badly burned eye caused by a hot cinder. Lightning burned out a number of the wires in the cable at the train dispatcher's office in this place last week Thursday night, and it was found quite ditticult to replace them. The largest excursion for Niagara over the Lehigh was that of Saturday from points bstween Easton and Wilkes-Barre. It consisted of twenty-four well filled coaches in two sections. The Waverly Free Press force have entered into a watermelon contest as to which groceryman or fruit vender has the best.

We'll bet a melon that "Smithy" can do justice to any melon brought in. Elmer E. Graham, who was so tunate as to lose a limb on the 20th, is doing very nicely under treatment at the Robert Packer Hospital. The limb was amputated about six inches below the knee. Bums are a contemptible class," says the South Bethlehem, Star, but the meanest bum in the world lives at present in this town.

Yesterday he met a one-legged man on crutches. After several drinks the cripple was laid out, and the bum confiscated the crutches, pawning them, and got drunk on the proceeds. The cripple's home is in Sayre, and he was here trying to make a settlement with the Lehigh Valley railroad for damages for the loss of his leg. The crutches were gotten for the cripple this morning." The Willsons, who are to begin work in the Methodist church of this place 111 the very near future, are evangelists of wide reputation. They have labored with greas success in many of the principal cities of America and Europe.

While Mr. Willson is strong and clear in his sentation of thoroughly evangelical truth, prethey are known as singing Their repertory of song is extensive and their execution is worthy of the honored name of P. P. Bliss, whose sister Mrs. Willson is.

Adjust your business so as to attend every meeting when they come. Now They Must Go! CLEARING OUT SALE! -OFSummer Goods. ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, we offer the following for cash only, to close them quickly: 2,000 yards best Dress Ginghams at worth One case best Prints now sell. ing at 8c. 1,000 yards fine Challies at 4c.

worth 18c. The balance of Ladies' Shirt Waists for 43c. 30 pieces Worsted Dress Goods at and worth double. 100 pairs of Lace and Turcoman -CURTAINSmostly, sample pairs, at from $1 to $6 per pair- every one a great bargain. Brussels, Velvet and Ingrain Carpets at New York wholesale prices through August.

Watrous Porkins Bros. WAVERLY N. Y. CARD SHOE AND SLIPPER BUYERS. Ladies, if you want a pair of new style Oxford Ties or Slippers for solid comfort, go to the Red Front.

Gents, if you want a neat pair of Summer Shoes in the latest styles for a small amount of money, go to the Red Front. They can't be beaten. Old Ladies, read this: We have Old Ladies' Cloth Congress Gaiters with elastic sides from 75c. upwards. Just the thing for comfort.

See 'em at Phillips' Red Front Shoe Store, Athens, Pa. CARROLL'S CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Our books are full of orders, but first come, first served." Join the procession and place your order for one of Carroll's Custom Suits. PRICES TELL THE TALE! A genuine Scotch Homespun and English Suitings at $15 and $18. Fancy Cassimeres and Black Cheviots are going at $18 and $20. Do not order until you see what a fine Dress Suit Carroll can make you for $25-here is a clean saving of from $5 to $8.

Our line of Trouserings consists of the new shades for Spring, with all the latest checks and stripes. If you have had a hard time to get a fit, try Carroll. He guarantees the fit of every garment that leaves his shop. Don't forget that weare headquarters for Ready-made Clothing of all kinds, Spring Overcoats, Shirts and Furnishing Goods. Special Attention Given Boys' and Children's Clothing.

Our store is open from 7 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock in the evening, where you can inspect our goods whether you wish to buy or not. JOHN W. CARROLL, Athens, Pa. HALLET'S, ----DEALERS INFINE GROCERIES! Crockery, China, Grassware. FRUITS IN THEIR SEASON! Orders promptly attended to.

Corner Broad and Park Waverly, N. Y. SAYRE BAKERY! We have just what you want in GROCERIES! Provisions, Bake Stuffs, Fruit and Wegetables Canned Goods, Confectionery and Smokers' Supplies- the finest, the purest and the best. Am bound to lead in the Grocery line where others follow. All orders promptly filled.

Full weight and first -class goods. Call and be convinced. G. R. FOLLETT.

BOOTS SHOES. TRUNKS. And Traveling Bags. This man, who has traded with us for years, says he has ridden this horse to our store so many times that now all he has to do is to jump on, say BARGAINS and hang on with all his might, and the horse will get there ahead of the crowd. Every person ought to go to BALDWIN'S CLEARING SALE all through July.

BIG BARGAINS! ALBERT B. BALDWIN, 334 Broad Waverly, N. Y. Open until 8 p. m.

T. A. SAGER. F. E.

MUNN. SAGER MUNN. DEALERS IN FOREIGN Fresh DOMESTIC GROCERIES, edge butter a specialty. 92 Broad Street, Waverly, N. Y.


SURPLUS, $10,000. A general banking business transacted. Drafts on foreign countrie; issued at lowest rates. TRY TILLMAN'S 18 CENT BAKING POWDER Best known, and compares with all other goods sold by him in the Grocery Department. We are delighted to show our goods and give prices at all times.

Also remember the MEAT MARKET! Which is always stocked with choice meats, supplying two wagons which are driven on the streets daily. F. J. TILLMAN, Prop'r. J.

D. Voorhis, Agent, -DEALER INConfectionery and Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. Agent Spaulding Smith's Bake Stuff's, Towanda. MAIN ATHENS, PA. Bedding plants and flowers for sale.

SAYRE REAL ESTATE AGENCY I have for sale about 24 acres of land on Keystone avenue and Lockhart street which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, or by the acre. Also several fine dwelling houses lots. Several building lots for business and dwellings. Persons desiring to sell or purchase will do well to call. Prices reasonable and on easy terms.

J. C. HORTON, Real Estate Agt. Office over postoftice, Sayre, Pa. 20w4 The Times--Subscribe Seward Co.

have just received 500 sacks of Glenside cement--just the article for plastering of cellar bottom: it can be bought for less money than Akron or Rosendale cements. Just the article for cellar and cistern walls. 11-4.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2025)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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