CLOTHING Sayre Circulating Library. The library, after this week, will be opened on Tuesday and Saturday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30, and on Thursday afternoons from 4 to 5. New subscribers may give their names Monday was a cool day. Uulaundried shirts for Soc at Dee Cos. Mrs.
S. Horn is quite ill with catarrhal fever. (Jet the latest style in straw hats tit Dee IMAGES. and pay their subscription for one year (ffl) to the librarian, Mr. J.
A. Swartwood, who will give them a card of member ship. D. K. Hamilton, Sec'y.
Master Henry Morton was on the sick list last week. One span of the L. V. bridge at Athens is nearly completed. Four boys were arrested Monday evening for stealing fruit.
Go to Jump's pharmacy for ice-cold water. We Are Now Offering Our Entire Stock VST" We are showing an elegant See what cash will do at Taylor's gro of Men's and Youths' Clothim? and Overcoats at cost. Please cery store. assortment of all grades of Laces. IW The popular half-widths Chan bear in mind that this is no JEW FKIE! tilly Flounces with the narrow widths to match.
but STRAIGHT, LEGITIMATE business. Those in need of Bier The best line of full -width Flouncings and Drapery Nets in this See here, $1.25 black shirts reduced to cents at Dee The plastering on J. Hammond's new house is nearly completed. Bicycle livery is the latest speculation, they are rented by the hour or day. J.
K. Williams is receiving congratulations over the arrival of a young son. Clover hay has been cut of late and it is considered less than a third of a crop. The Sayre Building and Loan elects officers at the next regular monthly meeting. W.
J. Davis, who was on the sick list for some weeks, commenced work Monday. Ilorscheads has a shooting affair on the hands of the olticials of that burg to look line Clothing can SAVE 30 PER CZEHNTT. "CASH IS KING!" 5 lbs. bulk starch 23c.
5 lbs. Hominy 25c. 2 cans salmon 25c. 2 cans pumpkin 24c. 10 cakes good soap 25c.
Grandpa's Wonder soap 25c. 3 lbs. bird seed 25c. Our motto: "Good Goods, Low Prices, prompt delivery and one price to all." Taylor's Cash Stork, Sayre. vicinity.
fljf Our prices on these goods can not be beaten and our assortment is by calling on us. Sale to continue until entire slock is disposed of. Terms cash. J. F.
Seward 4 Co. have just received 500 sacks of Glenside cement just the article for plastering of cellar bottom; it can be bought for less money than Akron or Rosendale cements. Just the article for cellar and cistern walls. 1 1-4 Mrs. W.
C. Morris, of Mauch Chunk, is visiting at G. II. Meade's, on Packer DEAI.KHS IN- avenue. The Athens band is to attend the Good HARDWARE Templars' festival at Waverly Saturday evening.
J. S. Haupt has purchased a number of Stores and Tinware, lots near the M. E. chapel building in is the place to Imy.
The largest assortment Furniture carried by any house in Northern Pennsylvania. Parlor Suits of all the leading and Latewt designs, at prices that cannot be beaten. Call and examine our and novel vli'lov bars. Boarders Wanted at No. 116 River street, Sayre, formerly known as the Barrett House.
13- 2 Mas. P. Khun. For Sale when completed, two convenient houses located on Stevenson street. 14- 2 Hart Waverly, N.
Y. West Sayre. Vapor and Oil Stoves, Miss Edith Bliikoslee has gone to spend PUBLISHED EVERY FlilDAY MOHNINO. her vacation at the home of her parents THE CKLKHRATKU in Aftou, N. Y.
Mrs. George Hloomingdale and sou, of 50 CENTS PER ANNUM. HAPPY HOME Weatherly, are visiting Miss Grace Brink, on the east side. Special Drive for the Coming And other wood ami null ranges. FRIDAY, JUNE 2f, 1891.
Flagstones have lieen ordered for the crosswalks, and as soon as they arrive Week Only 2 cans White Cherries, cans Peas, Champ will be put to use. The school board held a special meeting Saturday evening to further consider the Mail Service. Arrival and departure of mail from the Sayre. postortice SUl'TH. NIIIITH.
No. 5 9:30 a. m. No. 80 a.
in. No. 9 p. m. No.
2 5:110 p. in. No. p. in.
All; mail leaves the oftlee at above time. Oilieeopeu Sundays to 10:30 a. m. 1. M.
Hl'KK, Postmaster. ii cans Eijg or Gage Av Paints, Oiis, Varuisles and Glass, Farm and Garden Tools, Rope. Cordage and Woofleiiware, Furnace and Job Work. hoolhouse question. G.
R. EOLLETT. Constable McCasliu, of Athens, seems to be giving some of the Sayre people a heap UNDERTAKING. First-class Turnouts and skilled attendants in charge. Mnin sti ATI1KNS, FA.
of his attention, calling ou them legally Special Bargains Llnnra officials have been trying to make arrangements with the R. A. Pack SANITARY PLUMBING er band for two afternoons each week to 1876. 1891. give concerts in the parks of that city 100 Large Extra Fine Towels at $1 and $1.25, former price $2.
No such value ever ottered before. WATROUS PERKINS BROS. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Robert SEWARD DO, A SPECIALTY. Best Goods Bottom Prices Packer Hospital will meet at Mrs. Whittle's on Friday afternoon, July 3d.
Mils. J. W. Bishop, Sec'y. Mr.
J. S. Haupt has purchased a lot ou General dealeix in all kinds of the east side of Elmer avenue and has Refreshing showers Sunday. Pure insect powder at Jump's pharmacy. The house ou lower Lehigh being built by Mr.
Elmer is progressing rapidly. Mis. Jas. Fiulay's mother, of Elinira, was down and spent Sunday with her. You can buy 3 pounds best hand-made ginger snaps for at 11.
R. Folletfs. A new switch is being placed in the coid pocket tracks east of the round house. A large number of bullheads have been taken from Packer pond daring the past week. Messrs.
C. W. Billiard and Geo. Vail, of Athens, were calling ou friends in town Tuesday. To Waverly and Athens people come to Sayre and get your Dunlap hats at Dee Our city fathers were looking over the UIVK US A CALL! BUILDING MATERIAL commenced erecting a barn on the rear of it; a new and handsome house will be built on the front very soon.
ANOTHER GREAT JOB I 50 pieces handsome Challies, French patterns, at 5 l-2c. per yard. They are yours while they last. WATROUS PERKINS BROS. NEW 1 The new shades in Spring Dress Southern Pine for Casintrs.
Moldiinr ami Floorim FI II Masonic Block, Athens, Pa. Justice J. Krom sentenced two HTennessee White Wood. Oak, Ash, Cherry, tiasswood ami Ihriterniit. LUMBER IN STOCK tramps to county jail last week.
There wtus evidence sullicient to send them. Mr. Krom is a gentleman thoroughly ac quainted with the tramp law. Goods we are showing suit the ladies and thev buv them. Our Black Goods "i.lin" Poora ami lilin.Ia Several gentlemen from this place have and Silks are worthy your prompt Jin stock anil unlerx promptly tilloil.
Hmckclw, MEN'S SHOES! purchased a plot of laud, containing sev aim ncruii rtawill promptly llniu, ami nil job work promptly cxivim-il at our mill. llrouml, l'liiiu anil Cu-tlietlral tilass in stork. WATROUS PERKINS BROS. eral acres, in Buffalo, near the Tonawan- da district. Among them are James H.
map of the streets Wednesday with En 1891. Brown, G. M. Lull, G. W.
Bvnon and 1876. CARPETS AND CURTAINS! N. Weaver. The congregation of the Holy Ghost Now is the time for Carpets, Cur "WE HAVE TO SEIJj JOE R. WILLIAMS'.
Men's Calf Shoe, extra value, fl.DH Men's Graiu-ger Shoe, extra value. 2.01) Gents' baud-sewed Kangaroo Shoe, fine 4.0(1 tains, etc. The goods we are now selling are best styles and so low in price Gents' Furnishing Goods! that even bad weather don't stop their sales. See them while the prices last. Watrons Putin Bros.
WAVERLY, N. Y. FST Sureials in Black Shirts from 50 cents up. llat.s anil I tips Dunlap ami Kuox styles. Agent fur Athens Steam Laundry.
UnBlf 1SIA7I tt AVEKLY, JV. Y. Everybody in want of a good Range should see the The MONROE" r1 gineer Walker. Mr. F.
C. Cornell, of Ithaca, N.Y., was in town Tuesday night, stopping at the Wilbur House. John McQueen lias been setting plants out along the S. C. this week in the yards about the depots.
Mrs. J. N. Weaver litis returned home, after quite an extended visit among her friends down the road. Five new houses are under construction on Keystone avenue from Haydeus corner to the top of mile hill.
F. S. Brown litis purchased the lot adjoining his place on the north on Elmer avenue; consideration (HI0. One of the "Sags." claims to be a good judge of glowing strawberries, without even squeezing one between his teeth. The Farm and Garden, published at Erie, contains a host of valuable information for fruit, garden and truckmen.
Sayre borough has over fifteen miles of streets already laid out and a large pro-IKirtion of them are worked and have lut-u accepted. Joe R. Williams, who has lieen very ill for several days with typhoid fever, is re-jKirted no worse, but is said to lie wearing out the fever quite well. Chief of Police C. C.
Codett and J. C. Wood of Sayre were in town Tuesday as witnesses for the people in the case of the jieople vs. Maggie Southerland. Oirego Record.
An excursion party of aliout forty people passed through this place enroute to Maueh Chunk, Monday afternoon. They were the German songsters from the city of Rochester. will hold a picnic at Corbin's Grove near Athens on Saturday, July 4th. A grand good time is expected. Dancing with good music; sports and amusements for both old and young.
Tom McMunu, of West Sayre, a fireman, brought home one hundred and twenty odd perch Tuesday, which he had caught at Fair Haven, in Lake Ontario, in less than two hours. His neighbors all had a fine mess. Mr. Charles Hatch, of Lockport, N. came down Monday to join the crowd of fishermen who left for Sullivan county Tuesday, but was taken sick during the night and returned home instead of going to the trout streams.
Policeman W. T. Barrett escorted four tramps to the county bastile Wednesday morning. It appears that "that noble fraternity" does not stand in with all the justices iu town for when they come before justice Krom they have to walk the plank." X. F.
Walker, borough engineer, will leave Monday for Addison, N. where he will commence the survey on the Addison and N. Y. railroad which is to be made a standard guage. Mr.
Walker expects to be absent at least a month and lierbiqis longer. The worthy "scribe" who asks us to attend to our own business fails to -practice what he preaches, and in order to show-bis spite attempts to give the council a dab, as he has not yet fully recovered from the wound he received when the council voted for borough clerk. He attempts to make a camel out of a mite. Poor fellow to to as our Leading Range. It wiilpaNprrnil pnpulnritv.
nnil (lift fart thnt It li liilouti lu he Ui. llM.V II Hint will nrttinlly hrfp ft fresh lire I'roill Fall to Hpiing v. re-Ullliiiiil. llluttc it tho cufth! tMove to nell liuiiilit'd. The People will not have any Other.
IT OT the CHEAPEST, but It la the IIEST. UDK AT TUB k. A Rocheutpr Co-Operative Foundry fc'ur Salt; by FITCH KINNEY. Personal attention triven to Fnrnaee and Hot Watr Heatinir: also Sanitary Work. We also carry a full line of BUILDERS' HARDWARE and ill I pleased to show our floods ami (five prut-s to any that nmtemplatt biuMin.
FITCH KINNEY, With High Shelf and Rwervoir Price Every one warranted to give satisfaction. The best Range for the price ui the market. MERRIAM Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Waverly, N. Y. Main Street, Athens, Pa..