The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

BAYEE, MONDAY, MARCH 16; 1931 PACE SIX WAVERLY PHONE 25 Classified Advertising received at Waverly Office, but not over phone. THE EVENING TIMES Waverly Office Open Dally from 9 to 1 1 a. and from 1 to 2 p. m. WAVERLY OFFICE AT 323 BROAD STREET MRS.

F. C. SIMMONS, CORRESPONDENT WaverlyPersonals Rev. Thomas Gives Third of Lenten Sermons WOOD HICKS ON THE AIR TONIGHT Leo Crowley and his Penn Wood Hicks broadcast a request program at Scranton, W.G.B.l. tonight at Slade Palmer of Hamilton college, spent the week end at bis home in Waverly.

I HORSE PERISHES IN WELLSVILLE FLAMES WELLSVILLE, March IS Police are seeking the cause of a myBtery blaze that resulted in the burning to death of a horse, two turkeys, the loss of. several tons of hay and a huge barn. To date they have no clues to the fire. The barn was owned by Gus Dahlstrom. Drake Promises 12 Per Cent.

Cut In Local Taxes POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT Pastor of First Presbyterian Church Preaches on Prelate's Third Question to Jesus: 'Whence Art 10:30 to 11:30 p. m. The orchestra, consists of Paul v.iolin, Paul Stevens, violin Leo Crowley, guitar, Roy Corson, mandolin, Martie Barrett, harmonica. Vera Klinco, banjo, Howard caller. VOTER FOR EITHER The New MODESTLY PRICED DRESS NUMBERS AT THE Leone'DressShop Are Not Only Different But Are Positively Not Duplicated In Any Number Priced at $5.95.

Others at $9.95 12 ORCHARD WAVERLY (Look For The Sign) Phone 200. idrs Mrs. Mrs. Grace Kinsman of Chemung was discharged from the Tioga County General hospital yesterday. Louis Redman of Spring street Sayre, admitted to the Tioga County hospital March 4th, was operated upon for appendicitis yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Buley are moving this week to the Jesse Decker apartment on Elm Btreet. Malcolm Steiger of Waverly. Mart Levander of Spencer and Mrs.

Edgar Jones of Nichols were discharged from the Tioga County General hospital Sunday. Miss Caroline Ziegler of Chemung street, visited her sister in Black Walnut, Pa. over the week end. M. J.

Gibbons, who has been a. patient in the Robert Packer hospital at Sayre was discharged and returned to his home on Fulton Mayor and Trustees Running with Him Issue Statement to Voters Particularly Hot Battle Being Waged and Result May Be Close Praises Heads of Both Good Government and Citizens Party Tickets Dr. and H. of Sayre returned from Watkins Glen on Saturday. Fish has been at the sanitarium at Watkins Glen recuperating from a recent attack of pneumonia.

During his stay there he has gained 25 of the 70 pounds he lost during his illness. Dr. and Mrs. Fish are planning on going to Atlantic City later in the week to rest. when either of them feel that the vote will be for the other side, Waverly lias been fed up on that sort of thing in times past.

Both men are dependable. No one can accuse either of them of being or having been a traitor to his party, or his party's platform. If that were true of either of them he would be foolish to run. Waverly has no use for turn-coats. Waverly is fortunate In having these men as candidates for the office of Mayor, whose pre-election activities have been outstanding because of their cleanliness.

May the best man win. Sincerely, A Waverly Voter. polling places at the village hall closes, it was indicated at noon. A statement Issued by Mayor Jack Drake and Trustees Martin Decker and Robinson was the only new development. The statement promises a twelve per cent reduction in the village corporation tax if Drake and and those running with him are elected.

A still greater reduction will be the aim of the ticket, the statement says. Drake's ticket is known as the Good Government Ticket and all of the candidates are seeking reelection on their record. C. C. Strong is running for mayor on the Citizen's ticket and Birney C.

Howe, Fred N. Kelly and Charles N. Floyd are running for the board of trustees on the same tick Waverly, N. March 16, 1931. Editor, Evening Times: Waverly is to decide at the polls next week who will head the village1 government for another term, With three complete sets of candidates for mayor of Waverly and members of the board of trustees in the field a red-hot fight was being waged, today.

The battle will continue right up to the time the tended the K. of C. banquet in El-mira Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Potter and daughter. Phyllis, spent the weekend in Hornell as guests of the STUDENT PASTOR TO SPEAK HERE Rev. "Gene" Durham, student pastor at Cornell University, will speak at a Valley Young People's Rally service in the Sayre Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Durham will be accompa nied by members of the Cornell Deputation including Dave Toki-masa who gave such an interesting address to young people of the Waverly church several weeks ago.

Roosevelt club. Attorney F. E. Hawkes is running for mayor, George Vastbinder, John C. Rhodes and C.

J. LaFleur are the candidates for the board of trustees. Opinion un and down Rroad street this morning Indicated a eloso r'rr't- pot that the board of trustees cr-ntp'n a candidate from each of the three tickets. The noils will be open from 10 a. m.

until Continuing the series of Lenten sermons he Is giving on outstanding events in the life of Christ at the- Sunday evening services during Lent in the First Presbyterian church, Rev. Thomas Tighe chose to discuss last night Pilate's third question to Jesus, Art Thou?" He said in part: The test takes us. toward the closing scene of Christ's life. Jesus and Pilate are face to face.

The judge was weary and uneasy, for he felt that this was no common prisoner. Pilate's wife had been 'impressed with a strange presentiment, and her message to her husband Increased his perplexity. The situation demanded decision of character, and this Pilate lacked. He had questioned Jesus before, and be resorts to the same method again. "Whence art Thou?" he asks.

The question expresses the desire that Jesus should explain himself, that he should unveil his life. Can we explain Jesus? How shall we account for Him? Thomas Car-lyle, in his grim fashion, used to make fun of biographers who do what' they call "accounting for" men of genius. But let us, in spite of Carlyle's warning, try to account for Jesus and see where our thought leads us. First of all, Is Jesus explained by His family? Ancestry sometimes goes a long way to account for a man's ability. Hereditary factors are influential In determin street.

Miss Katherine Kerrigan of New York city is visiting at her home on Fulton street. L. J. Buley is to his home on Chemung street by illneas. Dr.

P. Snook was discharged from the Tioga County General hospital Saturday and returned to his home on Pennsylvania avenue. P. J. Martin and E.

P. Snell of waverly Knights of Columbus at- Scientists have developed a beverage which makes the drinker see yellow. The bootleggers have gone them one better with a beverage which makes the Imbiber see black. former's brother. Ted Booss of Lancaster, N.

a student at Cornell University, was a week-end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Eaton on Spring street.

et. The Citizen's party ticket stresses lower taxes in Its platform. The third ticket was placed in the field by the newly organized and March seventeenth will mark the end of a village political campaign that promises to be a credit to both the Good Government Party, headed by Mayor "Jack" Drake, and the Citizen's Party, headed by Charlie Strong, Wa-verly's popular druggist. There has been no mud-slinging nor any of the dirt that is many times cast about in contests of this kind. It looks as though the voters a going to have a job cut out for them in deciding if Jack Drake i3 going to continue as head of the village, or if Charlie Strong Is going to take his place for the next term, for both men are of that fine type that give the best that is in them to the job at hand.

Both men are humane and conscientious. No man can say of either of them that they belong to that contemptible class of parasites who are ever on the lookout to take advantage, financial or of the misfortunes of others. Both men are ethical and honest. Neither of them have or will resort to questionable methods to obtain votes, nor will they resort to bull-dozing and bullying voters to keep them from casting ballots Increase Beauty With Mello-gld No more ugly shine when you up JIELXO-GLO Face Powder. New French process makes It stay on longer and prevents large pores.

Smoothest, finest, purest powder known its coloring matter is approved by the United States government. Never dries the skin. Never makes complexion look pasty, bnt always youthful. Try MELLO-GLO. Glaser's Cut Rate Store adrt.

H. W. KNAPP SON WAVERLY "A Modem Department Store" ROA8T PORK SUPPER TUESDAY 5 TO 8 O'CLOCK Waverly Methodist Episcopal Church LADIES AID SOCIETY Adults, 50c Children, 25e ing what we are and what we do. Not only is there the reproduction of physical characteristics there are also deeper matters such as the predisposiiton to. the right or wrong.

But the study of Christ's ancestry offers no help In explaining Jesus. His family cannot account for Him. "The great man," says Grant Allen, "springs from an ancestry competent to produce him; he is the final flower and ultimate outcome of converging hereditary forces that culminate at last in the production of his splendid and St. Patrick Dance AT THE MAPLES TUESDAY, MARCH 17 LARRY GRAHAM AND HIS NIGHTINGALES Everybody Invited Dancing at 9 50c Couple Extra Lady, 25e MYSTERY BOX FEATURE First Showing of SPRING MODES New Season Fashions That Will Be In The Mode Long After Spring First Days Have Passed exceptional personality." But where are the converging hereditary tendencies to account for Jesus? They cannot be found because they do not exist. Secondly, can we account for Jesus by His environment? Next to our moral inheritance we place our surroundings as the mighty moulding power of human life.

The company a man keeps, the education he receives, the moral atmosphere he breathes make up the conditions under which he lives his life. Do such forces account for Jesus? They do not. Jesus was not a product of His time, DAIRYMEN ATTENTION! INCREASE YOUR INCOME BY FEEDING jWolff Buckwheat Cereal Co's. Buckwheat Feed TO YOUR COWS IT'S COOKED Price $23.00 Per Ton AT OUR A trial will convince you of its merits, WOLFF BUCKWHEAT CEREAL CO, INC. Erie Street, Near Pennsylvania Avenue Waverly, N.

Y. THE SOFT GREEN OF THE GRASS, THE BRIGHT HUES OF THE FLOWERS, THE CHEERFULNESS OF REFRESHING TEMPERATE DAYS ARE REVEALED IN OUR SHOWINGS OF SMART APPAREL FOR WOMEN THAT CARRY OUT THE VERY SPIRIT OF SPRING. ASSORTMENTS AT KNAPPS' ARE GENEROUSLY LARGE AND WOMEN GENERALLY RECOGNIZE THE LEADERSHIP OF THIS MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE IN MATTERS OF SMARTNESS OF STYLE AND AUTHENTIC FASHIONS AND WOMEN ALSO RECOGNIZE THAT SMART STYLES AND THRIFTY PRICES GO HAND IN HAND AT KNAPPS'! for the disparity between Him and His time is immense. It was not familiarity of our Lord's religious ideas, but their strangeness, their absolute newness, their revolutionary rhnrarter that, astonished His contemporaries. Finally, can we account for Jesus by considering the contribution of the race to which He belonged? We are compelled to answer, "No." The greatest Old Testament characters never let us forget that St.

Patrick's Dance MOOSE HOME Tuesday, March 17th! Checkerboard Orchestra iuty wer jub. cut jtsus uiu i Dancing at 9:00 Extra Lady 25 1 tt i Moose and Guest 50c Couple POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT POLITICAL ADVERTIsem*nT Spring Coats Are Charming Fabrics are delightfully new with cloth coats exploiting very pleasing weaves. These new coats are shown in a new color variety with black, of course, a popular favorite Not to be overlooked are the smart little jackets that display the frock so charmingly Our coat display is one that will please every women and miss who desires to be correctly dressed this spring. New Frocks For Easter Refreshingly new, they reveal every authentic style for the woman who is looking for the smartest in Easter fashions. Whatever your preference in the matter of neckline or sleeve, In fabric or color, every type of Spring dress is represented in our assortment of carefully selected frocks for this new season.

Select your Easter frock here with assurance of style and correctness of price. not speak with a Jewish accent There was nothing parochial or nationalistic about Him. Ho is as free from the limitations of His race as from His age. Standing at the confluence of three civilizations, Hebrew, Greek and Roman, Jesus was mergpd in none, but stood above, apart. Prof.

Johnson Ross declared that he dare not "Semitize the face of Jesus." He meant that to portray Jesus as anything than the universal Man would be to misrepresent Him. "Whence art Thou?" said Pilate. And the question is sitll being asked. Attempts to explain Christ are still being made. Starting from a purely human consideration He is an unanswerable problem.

But if we say that Jesus represents not so much the ascent of man as He does the descent of God, we have a Not the mere climbing of the human, but the condescension of the Divine is the only adequate explanation of Jesus. Browning says, and we say it after him: "The acknowledgement of God In Christ Accepted by the reason solves for thee AH questions iu the earth and out of it." Smart New Millinery Vote The Citizens Ticket Tomorrow Economical Administration and Lower Taxes); For Mayor Charles C. Strong FOR G. HOWE CHARLES N. FLOYD FRED L.

KELLY Vote the Whole Ticket Vote Early VOTE! Accessories Are Smart The right gloves, the right handbag, the right pieces of jewelry all play an important part in making the Easter outfit smart and charming. Spring accessories are more important than ever and Knapps' are showing all that is new and correct. Sheer stockings and the lovli-est of lingerie await your selection! Knapp' Spring Millinery presents a complete exposition of authoritative styles of the new season Here are hats in distinctive shapes and colors becomingly smart for miss or matron. Prices vary in each group Each hat being an exceptionally good value! Read Times Classified Ada. St.

Patrick's Day Dance Hollywood Hall Tuesday Night MUSIC BY MUNN'S BLUE MOON ORCHESTRA Round And Square Dances Gents, 50e Ladies, 25c 16M1t. H. W. KNAPP SON Waverly.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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