The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

Sayre, Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N. Y. THE EVENING TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1958 PAGE THREE East Athens Group To Join P-TA Home and Community Page Eileen Westfall, Editor Scout to Official P-TA to Ralph Van Keuren, field scout executive, will give a short talk on "Scouting" at the regular meeting of the McDuffee Street P.TA Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A question and answer period will follow his talk. Father's Night will be observed at this time and a surprise program is being planned.

Refreshments will be served following the meeting. Blue and Gold Banquet Held by Park-Elm Cubs Over 100 Cub Scouts and parents attended the Blue and Gold banquet held this week by the Park-Elm cub pack 14 at the Waverly Senior High school. The banquet was postponed from February because of the snowstorm. The table decorations were made by the scouts at previous den meetings. The dinner was preceded with the pledge to the flag and a prayer.

Mrs. Jesse Howe of Elm street was welcomed as the new den mother for Den 3 and was presented with a den mother's pin by Cubmaster Sam Lamb. The following den mothers were presented with one year stars for their Duncan work with Macdonald, the Den scouts: Mrs. Jacob Corby, Den and Mrs. George Coleman, Den 2.

The presentation was made by Herbert Muir who also awarded a one year star to Mr. a Lamb. Jake Corby, secretary for the Park-Elm Parent-Teachers Association, the pack's sponsoring body, presented the pack flag Mr. Ronald Robinson, representing the American Legion, presented American flags to the pack and the dens. Committeeman and pack secretary, Philip Rae, outlined the accomplishments of the pack since its founding last year with an enrollment of 18 cubs.

He also informed the group that the new charter has been applied for and also outlined the need for a pack commissioner. Following the dinner the awards were presented by Mr. Lamb and the pack inspection was held. Awards were presented the following: den 2, Jimmie Robinson, one gold arrow and two silver arrow awards; Richard Loomis, one gold arrow and two silver arrow awards; Garry Coleman, one gold arrow and "two silver arrow awards and Terry Coleman, one gold arrow and one silver arrow award; den 3, Pierre Lamb, a gold arrow award; Ronnie McEwen, a gold arrow award Bert Muir, one gold arrow and one silver arrow award; den 4, Robert Shaffer, received his Bear badge; Joe Corby, Tony Barrett, Dave Bean, Eddie Robinson and Dan Raymond, received their gold arrow award; den 5, Billy Wilson, received his Bear badge and John Griffith, received his gold arrow award. Mr.

Lamb was assisted in the pack inspection by Jesse Howe, Schuyler Bill, Francis Wilson Paul Griffith. Assistant Cubmaster, Edward Wilcox was introduced to the pack. The meeting was closed with the cubscouts singing their songs. The next pack meeting will be held March 25 at 7 o'clock at the Elm street gym. The theme for March will be Alaska.

The April ideas committee of Frank Chayka, John Ault and Jesse Howe will meet at the home of Herbert Muir along with the pack committee and the den mothers on March 23 at 3 o'clock. THERE'S NO HAZARD HERE when it comes to sizing: We never shrink or stretch garments. They come back to you in perfect shape, beautifully dry cleaned and Don't ice. pressed. Call us for serv.

take Is Easter Just chances 4 Away Weeks ON JUST ANY DRY CLEANING THOMAS CLEANERS 419 Clark Waverly PHONE 21 Athens Student Is in All- State Collegiate Band Carol Ann Coons, a junior at Bloomsburg State Teachers college and daughter Carroll Coons of 201 W. Pine street, Athens, is playing today in the AllState Collegiate Band festival being held at Moravian college in Bethlehem. The festival got under way on Thursday and closes tonight with CAROL ANN COONS the principal concert of the three-day session. Carol Ann, a baritone player, has been a member of both the marching and concert bands at Bloomsburg during her three years at Bloomsburg, and prior to school that band played in during the Athens her high school career. Ackley on Auto Dealers' Council Clarence H.

Ackley, proprietor of Ackley Buick in Athens, has been elected to the 1958 Buffalo zone Buick Dealers council, it was announced today. Ackley was named to a twoyear term on the eight man council by fellow Buick dealers of a nationwide organization to discuss the retail phase of the automobile industry. Large Audience Hears Sayre High Bands in 1 Concert A large crowd was in attendance last evening at the Sayre Area Joint High School auditorium to hear an outstanding performance of the school band in their annual spring concert. Both the junior and senior bands were under the direction of Nelson Sickler, instrumental musical director of the school. David Williamson as baritone horn soloist presented an outstanding performance playing "Una Voce M'ha Colpito" by Rossini accompanied by Miss Jan Rogers.

Miss Roberta Soprano was vocal soloist with the band during the playing of Gerge Gershwin's "Embraceable You" from the Broadway play, "Porgy and A clarinet sextet composed of Jane Welch, Linda Worblewski, Keith Bailey, Bart Mandarano, Mary Faltisco and Roberta Powell presented Frangkiser's "'Fuguerest." John Polsinki was accordion soloist during the playing of an arrangement of "Birth of The Blues" by Henderson. One of the highlights of bands performance was the playing of "Atlantis-Suite" by Safranek. David Reynolds as announcer supplied the background for this outstanding number. Gifts of appreciation were presented to Mr. Sickler and Ray Hauver, who is also an instructor of music at the school.

The presentation was made by Linda Spaulding. Wildlife Week To Be Observed In Area Schools Observance of National Wildlife Week March 16-22 will be noted in the Valley, especially in the schools, according to Vern secretary of the Sayre Sportsmen's Club. "Let Us Protect Our Public Lands" is the theme of the observance this year. Movies will be shown in the Sayre and Athens High schools and some of the elementary schools on Wildlife Week, and all schools will emphasize the observance in other ways. Lighted panel displays will be on view at the Sayre high school and at Joe's Sporting Goods store, Rome Personals Several from here attended the Talent show held at the Northeast High School on Friday night.

Sally Abell and Jimmy Barks had parts in it. Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Taylor spent Wednesday with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.

William Howard at Vaughn HWilliam Bates, Dick Rice and Leland Chandler attended the Bradford County Fireman Association meeting at Athens on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cranmer and family of Apalachin were recent visitors of Mrs. Louise White and Mrs.

Belle Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cooley and son Vern of Towanda and Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Bish and family of were Sunday' visitors of Athens, Mrs. Max Cooley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Olin McCabe and daughter Patty were Sunday evening visitors and all enjoyed movies shown by Mr.

Cooley, taken in California. The Women's Organization of the Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. Wilma Moore on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Inman and Mrs. Nina Fassett of Jenningsville spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Levo Fassett and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Pease of Endicott and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jayne and family of Millerton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Shaffer. Mrs.r other Gladys Abell, mothers, with held the a help benefit on Saturday for the former's Sunday school class. About $50 was raised for purpose of buying chairs for class. then Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin Glover and children of Hallstead were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Glover. Mrs. Fred Vose and Mrs.

Mildred Stoll have both been ill with flu but are now improved. Donald Howell has returned to his home from the Packer hospital, where he was a patient. Bruce Wilbur Windham was a recent guest of his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Wilmot.

The W.S.C.S. met at the home of Mrs. Irving Phillips on Wednesday night with Mrs. Doris Cole and Mrs. Flossie Shankland as hostesses.

Mrs. Wilma Moore spent Wednesday with Mrs. Raymond Thurston at Lowman. Miss May Lent was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Bosworth Monday night. The Ladies Auxiliary met on Thursday night at IOOF hall Sayreite to Wed in July DEETTA HOTALEN DeEtta Hotalen of Paulino to Be Sayre to Wed Middletown Man Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hotalen of Clinton street, Sayre, announced the engagement of their eldest daughter, DeEtta Marie, to Willis LeRoy Kreiser, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Kreiser of Middletown, honorat a party in their Miss Hotalen is a graduate of the Sayre Area joint high school class of 1954 and of the Harrisburg Hospital Training School class of 1957. She is now on the staff of that hospital. Her fiance attended Middletown high school and is now attending the Kendelle School of Culture and Cosmetology in Harrisburg. He served three and one half years in the United States Air Froce. A July wedding is planned.

Chief Shannon Speaks at Greene's Landing Using "Juvenile Delinquency" as his theme, Chief of Police John C. Shannon of Athens spoke to members of the Greene's Landing P-TA Wednesday evening at the school. Chief Shannon in his talk stressed the responsibility of the parents for their children and the important part played by churches, schools, scouts and any other responsible organizations where children and young people can participate, thus occupying their leisure hours. "The two big problems now," said Chief Shannon, are "youths as riders and youths as pedestrians." Steps being taken include talks and films on safety in the schools and an enforcement law for bicycle inspection. He said he was pleased to report that there was a 4 per cent drop in.

juvenile cases in the borough of Athens in 1957 compared to 1956. During the business meeting a nominating committee was appointed to nominate candidates for officers for the coming year. A committee was also appointed to make plans for a benefit sale to be held in the spring. After the meeting refreshments were served during the social hour. Cosmopolitans To Hold Meeting Scoutmaster Clayton Salisbury and members of his troop will demonstrate Scouting Monday evening at the Albertson Building in Waverly.

The program will take place during the regular meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club which will be held at 7:30 o'clock. Rotary Speaker Bruno Paulino, retired U. S. army sergeant and concert violinist, will speak to the Sayre Rotary Club Tuesday in the Iron Kettle Inn. Mr.

Paulino spent 27 years in the army and served in many parts of the world. He has been a. member of the West Point band, editor of Stars and Stripes, and now gives private lessons on the violin. He recently has been employed as a correspondent with the Elmira newspapers. Pastoral Relations Institute to Begin Monday An Institute of Pastoral Relations sponsored by the Sayre Ministerial Association will begin Monday and continuing each Monday through April 28 at Coleman Memorial parish house.

The seven-week program of lectures and discussions is designed to relate the pastoral office of the minister to the problems and needs of the present day. Sessions will be from 10 in the morning to 12 noon. -Each division of the institute will have a leader well experienced in the field to be discussed. The program: Session 1, March 17, "'The Pastoral Ministry to the Sick and Dying" and "'The Pastoral Ministry, Shallenberger to the Family," the Dr. Robert Paul Packer Hospital staff, the leader.

Session 2, March 24, "'The Pastoral Ministry to the Mentally Disturbed," and "'The Pastoral Ministry to the Family," Dr. Leonard Bolton, Elmira psychiatrist, Session the 3, leaderich 31, "The Pastoral Ministry to Juveniles and Adolescents," leader to be announced. Session 4, April 7, "'The Pastoral Ministry to the Alcoholic," leader to be announced. Session 5, April 14, "'The Pastoral Ministry in Home-Centered such as parent-child relationships, marital difficulties, the in-law and retired person problem, leader to be nounced. Session 6, April 21, Seminar on "Case Histories of Pastoral Problems Session 7, and April the tion and Discussion of Community Resources and Techniques." Members of the clergy who have not registered for the Institute may do so at the opening session Monday.

Among the 65 leading industries of Ohio, two for which it is famous are the manufacture of such disassociated products as dirigibles and playing cards. Wysox and Vicinity Mrs. Roy J. Williams, correspondent The Wysox Sewing Society held its regular monthly dinner and meeting at the Community Hall on March 11. A business meeting was held following the dinner.

Officers were nominated and elected. Kay Sims was absent from school for two days because of a cold. Mrs. Mabel Swackhamer spent the weekend in Sayre. Dick Hollenback returned to his home Monday from the Robert Packer Hospital, where he was a patient for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bowen and daughter, Alida of North Orwell were Sunday evening callers at the Kenneth McCormack home, The Mercur Secret Pals met for dinner with Retha Tewksbury on Wednesday. Mrs. William Leonard of East Towanda, with Mrs.

Harry Layton and Mrs. Hazel Miller, attended the funeral of Mrs. Jennie Jones at Montour Falls on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.

William Leonard were in Pine City on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson. Mrs. Harry Sims Jr.

and children Barbara and Kyle were in Sayre on Tuesday. Mrs. Richard Slater and children Ricky and Cindy of Rochester attended the Aid dinner at the Community Hall on Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Mac Morran. Mrs.

Vernol Springer was hostess for the Union Corners Ladies Aid which met on Thursday for dinner. On the committee with Mrs. Springer were Ida Foster and Julia Crandall. Mrs. Howard Light and Mrs.

Harry Sims Sr. were visiting relatives in New Milford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. "Dick" Emmetts and granddaughter of Honesdale called Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin Pipher and family. George O'Neil of Wyoming and Mrs. Edna Bagley of Ulster called Wednesday on Mrs. Political Advertisem*nt FOR WRITE-IN VOTE INSTRUCTIONS PHONE 1403 DEMONSTRATIONS ON ACTUAL MACHINE ALSO GIVEN BY BETTER GOVERNMENT PARTY "WRITE-IN FOR RIGHT" At Great Lakes Floyd W.

Pond son of Mrs. Lula A. Pond of Towanda RD 1 has enlisted in the Navy and is undergoing recruit training at Great Lakes, Ill. East Athens Parent-Teacher Group voted to join the Parent Teachers Association at their regular meeting. Mrs.

George Luchaco, president, presided at the meeting and appointed a nominating committee consisting of Mrs. Bernard Leaks, Mrs. Ralph Housknecht and Mrs. William Griswold. The slate of officers will be presented at the next meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 9.

A spring program, under the direction of the music supervisor, will be held on Wednesday, April 16 in the Community Hall All grades will participate, and the theme will be "Mock Wedding," in which students of the first and second grades will take the parts of bride and groom. The group volunteered their to help distribute services" surplus food to persons registering in the township. Mothers of students in Mrs. Hazel Smith's room will be in charge of refreshments for the next meeting and will consist of Mrs. Irene Luchaco and Mrs.

Paul Rae. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Mrs. Sidney, Mitchell and Mrs. Richard Bean.

Waverly American Legion Walt Brittain AT THE PIANO SUNDAY NIGHT 8:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. Come And Enjoy The Fun, Join in The Singing ELIZABETH DEVAN Beauty Shop Will Be CLOSED MARCH 17 to MARCH 21 Attending International Hair. dressers Convention in New York City. Dutch Kitchen Restaurant 114 Packer Ave.

Sayre OPEN EVERY DAY SUNDAYS 8 TO 3 Regular Dinners A la carte Orders Delicious home made doughnuts EUGENIA KINNER BEAUTY SHOP WILL BE CLOSED MAR. 17 AND MAR. 18 Attending Hairdressers Convention York City Sayre Borough Secretary Moves To Main Floor The Sayre borough secretary's office will be shifted to new main floor quarters in the borough hall over the weekend. Thomas Kenrick, the borough secretary, will henceforth be situated in the room at the rear of the building, at the end of the corridor leading from the front entrance. The room has been remodeled by borough employes under the direction of Councilman Harry Murray, chairman of the building and grounds committee.

New walls and ceiling were installed, asphalt tile put on the floor, and fluorescent lighting installed. The transfer of the borough secretary to the main floor was made for the convenience of the public. The office had been on the second floor since the building was erected in 1908. I Glaser Is Given Druggist Award Edwin Pipher. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Cook took Mrs. Agnes Hollenback to the hospital Saturday to call on Dick Hollenback. Mrs. George Allen, Mrs.

Howard Aglesworth, Mrs. Marshall Cook and Mrs. James Webster were shopping in Sayre Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

George, Allen were Friday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth McCor. mack were Mr. and Mr. Leigh McCormack in Nichols on visiting, Saturday. Mr.

and' Mr. Elwin Pitcher, Sarah Ann Aginlo, Mr. and Mr. Lee Simons and children and Mr. and Mr.

Frank Simons were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. Kenneth McCormack. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Parks and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith called at the McCormack home. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Blanchard and family recently visited his brother at Millport and also visited in Burdett, N. Y. Aileen Cook spent Friday night with Kathy Benjamin. Dick Blanchard of East Towanda took part in a military funeral service at Painted Post recently. He played "taps" on his trumpet at the funeral.

John Stahl of Shavertown was a supper guest Tuesday evening at the John Jennings home. While in Sayre on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cook called on Mr. Emma Chambers and Mr.

Lillian Allen. Connie and Michele Owczarski and Nancy Lent were among those to attend a birthday party for Judy Chaffee on Saturday at her home in East Towanda. Mr. Charles Space Jr. was a Sayre visitor on Thursday.

Mrs. Nelson Neiley and son were in Wilkes-Barre recently Malcolm Neiley is spending the weekend at his home. Mr. and Mr. George Owczarski and Mr.

and Mrs. Donald Chaffee were recent visitors in Scranton. Sidney Glaser, proprietor of Glaser's Rexall Drug Store in Sayre, is one of a selected group of druggists to receive the new Mortar and Pestle trophy of the company. The award, an authentic replica of a 15th century Spanish mortar and pestle, is given annually to outstanding member druggists who meet "exception ally high standards of sional ideals, ethical practice and community service." The presentation was made to Mr. Glaser by Mark Lyttle, representative of the firm.

The lica is mounted on a black wal nut pedestal with a plaque in scribed with the Glaser store name and signed by John Bowles, president of Rexall. The mortar and pestle is the ancient symbol of pharmacy, their use for pulverizing medicinal herbs being recorded in ancient Egyptian and Biblical histories. The award is on display in the Glaser prescription department. and made plans for a benefit to be held in the near future. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Schoonover of Keene Summit were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilmot. Mrs.

Malcolm Gatz spent Thursday afternoon at the Wilmot home. George Eastabrook is a patient at the Tioga General hospital, having suffered a heart attack at the home of his father, C. B. Eastabrook on Monday. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Woodburn were at the Packer hospital on Wednesday where Mr. Woodburn had a checkup and returned home for 10 days. Mrs. Jack Thomas of Mansfield substituted for her mother, Mrs.

Woodburn at school here on Wednesday. Mrs. May Gillette of Towner Hill spent Friday evening with her sister, Mrs. Florence Wilmot. Mr.

and Mrs. John Harberchuck and son Jay were recent guests of Guy Abell and family. Mrs. Leonard Abell spent Saturday in Wilkes Mrs. Susan Dimon, Mrs.

Arthur Russell, Mrs. Max Cooley, Mrs. William Bushong, Mrs. Harold Horton and Mrs. Howard Wilmot attended O.E.S.

Chapter meeting at Towanda on Tuesday night. Mrs. Flossie Shankland visited Mrs. Laura Hardy at Bing hamton on Sunday. Mrs.

Letha Neal spent Sunday with her daughter Sara at Binghamton. birthday party was held in honor of Robert Shaffer at the Herrickville fire hall on Saturday night, with over 100 guests present. Dancing was enjoyed with music by Donald Shaffer and Fred Swingle. Mr. Shaffer received many gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis Tompkins of Little Meadows and Mrs. Amanda Baker of Lake O'Meadows spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.

Levo Fassett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Wilmot entertained at supper on Friday night for the following: Mr. Mrs.

Irving Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. Roe Russell and Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis Rockwell. George Warfle spent Sunday in Berkshire. Albert Russell of Owego spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.

Newell Wilmot. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fox, Mr. and Mrs.

John Parks and daughter Pat and Miss Ruth Parks of Athens were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fox. AS ME SEEIT by Bill Ransom OFF THE COB: "He Could have parked somewhere else" was a lady's answer on an accident report questioning what could have been done to avoid the accident. HAVE YOUR INSURANCE PROTECTION NEARBY not out of town! If your insurance is backed only by an out-of-town company, you are not getting all the protection you deserve and need.

When you have to file a claim, you a waste days, even weeks, sending for claim forms, filling them in, following up by long-distance telephone or by mail. To avoid such "do-it-your. insurance, buy only through a local, impartial insurance agent. Your independent agent is a hometown businessman, not an employee of any insurance company. He works and lives near you, not out of town.

He's ready to help you any time ready to file your claim for prompt settlement. For this kind of service, see us. RANSOM AND RANSOM 316 Broad Street Waverly Phone 1122 Agency Established 1850 dependent Insurance.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.