The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

SAYRE, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1922. PRICE THRBB GBNTV THE EVENING TIMES Enterprising Merchants Advertis in THE TIMES. Tell Tom Buaineaa ft 25,000 Readers Every Day. PAGB nx 2Z jwol WAVERLY TROOP MET FRECKLES March Brings Out Unsightly Spots Hew to Removs Easily Tho woman with tender skin dread March because it la likely to cover her (ace with ugly freckles. No matter how thick her veil, the sun and winds have a Btrong tendency to make her freckle, Fortunately for her peace of Republican Candidates State Views On Village Matters The Reliable Dry Goods Shop 107 Lockhart St.

A. ATK1N Sayre, Penn'a In order to make room for Spring Goods we have decided to have Stand Unequivocably for Lhw Enforcement and Pledge Efforts to See that Violators are Dealt with Effectively without Regard to Who They may Be Public Improvements Should Have Careful Con sideration. A meeting of candidates for the i (We believe the village streets otllce of president and trustes of should be speedily placed In condl-this village on Republican ticket tion. As to permanent Improve-was held at the office of P. L.

How-ments, we favor undertaking such ard last evening and in view of as business conditions shall seem the fact that there has been some to warrant, after careful Investtga-question as to jujst where these tion of the wisdom of any specific candidates stood concerning cer- project. tain important questions likely to We believe the unemployment be forced upon them during their situation may well have the at ten- Our First OLiM AY FRIDAY and SATURDAY tion of the board and that necessary public improvements which will give work to the unemployed of our community should have careful consideration. We have referred specifically to the foregoing as they apparently are matters which Just now are occupying the thoughts of many of our people. Manifestly a complete program of procedure in administering village affairs thus far in advance is impossible. We have accepted nomination in the knowledge that time and effort are required in the solution of village problems.

The nomination was not of our seeking but if elected we pledge our best efforts to an administration that will be creditable In all respects to our village. Signed: (Lloyd M. Hedges. Edward VanNostran. Walter Shlpman.

C. B. Dounce. 20c per yd. Plain Marquisette 6 yds.

for 1 .00 35c per yd. Marquisette 4 yds. for $1 .00 1 5c per yd. Curtain Scrim 10 yds. for 1 .00 18c per yd.

Ecru (Marquisette 8 yds. for $1.00 20c per yd. Barred Curtain Scrim 6 yds for $1.00 Bates Seersucker Gingham 4 yds. for 1 .00 Best quality Apron Gingham 7 yds. for $1 .00 30c Gingham 32 in 4 yds.

for $1 .00 Black Rock Muslin 4 yds. for $1.00 Good Towelling, Bleached 12 yds. for 1 .00 Stephen's Crash, all linen, bleached or unbleached 4 yds. for $1 .00 Ready made Tea Towels, good quality 6 for 1 .00 40c Turkish Bath Towels 4 for $1 .00 Turkish Towels 5 for $1.00 Children's Hose 10 prs. for $1.00 Extra good quality Ladies' Lisle Hose 4 prs.

for $1 75c Silk Hose 2 prs. for $1.00 $1.25 Silk Hose 1 pr for $1.00 Men's Good Lisle Hose, 25c value 8 prs. for $1.00 29c Ladies' Gauze Vests, all sizes 5 for $1.00 65c White and Pink Jersey Bloomers 2 for $1.00 Good White Muslin Skirts 2 for $1 .00 Best Quality Apron and Cap to match $1.00 Several styles of White Waists to close out $1 .00 $1.49 Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns $1.00 69c Ladies' Pink Night Gowns 2 for $1 .00 $1.39 Fine quality Men's Night Shirts. $1 SECURED RELEASE HABEAS CORPUS REARRESTED MEN mind, Othine double strength, makes it possible for even those most susceplble to freckles to keep their skin clear and white. No matter how stubborn a case of freckles you have, the double strength Othine should remove Gel an ounce from your druggist and banish the freckles.

Money tack if It falls. Adv. New Sayre TODAY Matinee Daily 2:15 ENID BENNETT IN SILK HOSIERY A fashion model's tingling thrilling romantic adventures when her wildest dreams come true. Enid will win your heart with fier pathos, comedy and wistful gtrlishness. Added 2 reel comedy.

SPECIAL: Tomorrow and Saturday Tom Mix In THE ROUGH DIAMOND. Tom In a new role. You'll be surprised at him as a comedian. Don't miss it. AMUSU WAVEBLY, TODAY VIVIAN MARTIN IN The Song of the Soul See thU dainty little star In one of her very best plays adapted from an Old World romance by William J.

Lock. ADDED: Sunshine comedy. TOMORROW and Sat. Special: Geo. Mulford production BE HOLD MY 'WIFE and CHAR LEY CHAPLIN in his million dollar comedy A DOG'S LIFE.

3,000 teet of fun. WILL ROGERS IN AN UNWILLING HERO Adapted from O. Henry's fam ous story, "Whistling Dick's Xmas. Stocking' At the risk of his own skin, he had prevented a robbery and made a pretty girl happy by making it possible to marry the man she loved. But he was a hobo first and a hero afterwards and when he saw work coming, he said, "Feet, do your duty!" Will Rogers has never given a more humorous or a more human performance.

This nic.ture is a gloom chaser, a laugh brlnger and a time killer all in one. Don't miss It. ADDED: Larry Semon In THE BELL HOP, a laugh from start to finish. TOMORROW: Vivian Martin in SONG OF THE SOUL. 4 "i Smoke Diamond Grown a M.

FERGUSON CQ Waverly, N. Y. Sold by Everybody i' 1 The Morley ATHENS TONIGHT Shop The Reliable Dry Goods 107 W. Lockhart St. A.

ATKIN IAST EVENING (Meeting was Changed on Account of Basket Ball Game to be Played at High School Gymnasium 1 This Evening. Troop No. 1 Boy Scouts of which P. C. Meaerve Is scoutmaster met at the high school gymnasium last evening with a large attendance playing basket ball after the com pletion of regular scout work.

This troop is one of the most active in Waverly. It has its own basketball tram which recently defeated the Athens grammar school team, and has a game scheduled with other troops. On the scout work the tioop is progress'ng rapidly under the lead ership of Superintendent Meserve and some of the High School boys, Its meetings are held in the High i School gymnasium. I A regular ritual is observed for! the opening exercises and then the boys take up scout work, basket ball and everything. One boy, Jacob Corby has satisfactorily passed all his second class requirements.

The list of the boys that have passed their tenderfoot test follows: Martin Ambrein, Bryam Brewster, Francis Barron, Jacob Corby, John Collins, Linol Cole, Philip Fahey, Leon Fulton, Michael Gorman, Phil ip Golden, Clyde Gabler, George Horton, Albert Horton, Howard Hopson, Joseph Kenrlck, Kenneth Lhrerlng, William Lunn, Arthur Miller, Robertt Miller, Roy Miller, Stephen Martin, Cornelius Murray, Tony Peckally, Clement Riley, Har ry Stevens, Joseph Senal, Charles TIchenor, Robert Tompkins, William Wilson, Raymond Wood. TRAINER INJURED IN LION ACT AT ELMIRA LAST NIGHT Waverlyites who have seen Steven Batty in his lion act at the ben eflt fair being held at the Armory in Elmira this week will be sorry to learn that he was injured last evening by one of the (beasts. An Elmira paper says: What threatened to be a serious accident was narrowly averted by the quick wit of a brave man during the exhibition of the fighting lions at the Armory last night. Steven Batty, trainer of the anl- mais, attempting to force a sulky lion through its act, accidentally dropped his guard just as the beast struck at him. The lion's paw, whizzing through the air with all the spite of an angry beast behind it, struck Captain Batty's hand, tearing one finger almost In half.

and causing severe scratches along th ehand and arm. Paying no tion to the injury, the Captain con mo aw, siviug uie mrunat- eu animal no time to scent the blood and get further out of con trol. With his white uniform trous ers spattered with blood, his torn hand causing great pain, and a re caicmtrant to deal with, he continued the; performance to the end. He even insisted on driving the lions back into their boxes un aided at the end of the act Not until the whole performance was at an end did he permit any atten tion to be paid to him. The accident was probably caus ed by the fact that he has just re turned from a seven months' sic in nospnai, the result of another mauling received in Hollywood dur ing the filming of a jungle serial.

In the Interval the lions have been worked by other trainers and have not been accustomed to his hand- ug. At tne Armory last night, speaking to an Advertiser reporter! ue bam: In -i. uuuuug. we animal men are used to such injuries. There was nothing else to do but to force him harder than before.

If he had had time to smell the blood and to meditate over his sorry fate he might have been dangerous. As it is, he was only cross." Just cross! RETURNED FMOM OWEGO Mrs. EsteB Cortright royal matron of Clark Court, No. 63, Order of Amaranth, attended a meeting of that organization Tuesday evening at Owego, returning to her home in Broad street, Wednesday morning. PEOPLE DEMAND IT Substitutes Offered as Being Just As Good DON'T BE DECEIVED People everyhere have learned about the Marvelous Power of Bui-, garlan Blood Tea as an aid to the sick.

BE SURE when you ask your dealer for Bulgarian Blood Tea that you get it. Refuse any substitutes as being just as good. Users know that Bulgarian Blood Tea taken once or twice a week assists Nature to keep them feeling years younger. They also know that when taken steaming hot with! lemon juice it helps break a cold! quickly and guards against influenza, pneumonia or other serious sickness, our druggist, like your doctor, should be your friend. Tell! him you want Bulgarian Blood Adv.

term of offllce, the following statement was prepared and signed by each of them, the request being made that the various papers circulating In the valley give It pub licity: Having been nominated as candidates for the office of village president and trustees respectively, to be voted upon at the approaching village election, we are glad to comply with requests that we state our views with respect to certain village matters: If elected it will be our endeavor to give the village an efficient business administration, having in mind all interests and particularly those of the home owners, who constitute the majority of our taxpayers. We stand unequivocably for law enforcement and pledge our "beet efforts to sde that violations are dealt with effectively, without regard to who the violators may be. ENTERTAINED AT ELEVENTH BIRTHDAY PARTY YESTERDAY Clyde Gabler, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F.

Gabler, very delightfully entertained a party of friends at his Orange street home yesterday from 5 to 8 o'clock, the occasion being his eleventh birthday. Delicious refreshments ere served the color scheme In the dining room being yellow and white and a dainty Jack Horner pie in the centre of the table furnishing not only appropriate gifts for the young people but an unlimited amount of fun as the various fav ors were drawn. Music and games were enjoyed later, Miss Dorothy Stiles presid ing at the piano and Miss Louise Woodworth a childrens' entertain er of Elmira being in charge of the games. Those present were Albert Smith, Lawrence Jayne, George Pike, Richard Thornton, George Styles, Donald Tracey, Kenneth Iliff, Kenneth Hosley, Philip Fer- I guson, Roger Bolce, Clyde Gabler and Justus Dlarnon. James Sullivan was In Elmira last evening.

L00MIS Tonight, Tomorrow Matinee and Night AGNES AY RES AND RUDOLPH VALENTINO THE SHEIK A flaming romance of desert love, flinging away the trappings of civilization, leaving the lady, only a woman, the only a man, from the novel by Edith M. Hull. Starts at night 7 and 9. Matinee 2:30. PRICES: Mat 17 and 28.

Night 2 and 35c. Spencer, N. Y. 3E worth was not a resident of the state of Texas and asked about the divorce laws in that state. Mr.

Ells worth then wrote saying he would wait until he had gained a rest-' dence in Texas. JUDGE BELL OFFICIATE Owing to the fact that Surrogate George f. Andrews was prevented by relationship from officiating at probating the will of Vlletta D. Dodd, late of Candor, Tuesday. Spe clal Surrogate Frank A.

Bell performed the duty and issues letters testamentary to the decedent's sons, William H. Hover and Jesse F. Hover. The value of the estate is given at $4000. Bargains in wall paper, window shades, Rex paste, agent for U.

S. Auto wind deflectors, Fisk tires. C. A. Neaves, 370 Broad Waverly, N.

Y. 16M3t Jjtst nieht war mpn's ntfbt at the Methodist Hub and there was a large attendance. CHAPTER WILL HOLD BANQUET Plans for the banquet which the members of Carantonan Chapter, N. S. D.

A. are to enjoy next Tuesday evening, March Sl have practically been completed. The banquet is to be served in the parlors of the First Presbyter-Ian church at 7 o'clock. The circle of which Mrs. T.

M. Clements is chairman are in charge of the banquet and Mrs. F. A. Bell of Caran tonan Chapter has charge of the decorations.

The executive board or Carantonan Chapter has prepared a program which include a number of clever and unique features and a speaker of prominence is to be present. Each chapter member is entitled to take one guest and because of tho number who can be accommodated is limited to 100, members have been asked to secure their tickets early. Then the out-of-town Legal Tangle that is Keep ing Lawyers Busy Men are Still in Tioga County Jau. Golden Churchman and George Walters were at liberty for a few minutes yesterday release from the Tioga County jail having been secured on a writ of habeas corpus issued by Supreme Justice McCann of Elmira on plea of Attorney Charles C. Annabel of Waverly.

Both men were arrested Bome time ago, after officers had visited their farm Just east of this village In the town of Barton and held to await the action of the next grand jury which convenes March 30. Both were committed to the county jail after being held. juttge Mcuann granted the ap peal of Attorney Annabel that the committment to the county jail had failed to show a crime. After their release yesterday warrants were Issued by Justice of the Peace Robinson of Owego charging both Churchman and Wat ters with violation of the Btate prohibition law and the men were rearrested. It is reported that another habeas corpus will be sought on the grounds that Justice Robinson of Owego has no jurisdiction In the town of Barton where the alleged crime was committed.

IGHT raverly Meets Troy and If Home Team Wins Troy Loses Chances of Championship. Waverly's high school basketball five always pays a good game on its home court and tonight ev- i ery player will do his best to win from Troy, this being the last I game of the series and therefore important in determining (Waverly's place when the final announce-! ments are made. This is also an important game for Troy which winning tonight will be tied with Sayre for the S. V. I.

A. A. championship. League standing to date: Won Lost Percent Sayre 9 1 900 Troy 8 1 889 Canton 6 4 600 Waverly 2 7 222 Towanda 2 8 200.. Athens 1 9 111 The iWaverly high school girls will play their first evening game of the season in the preliminary game tonight.

Herbert Hoover warns of an lm. pending coal strike; but, in comparison with all our other trouoles that is only a minor matter. Read the Classified Ada EXCITING AM El TED TON MYSTERY SURROUNDS DIVORCE GRANTING following is from the Nor-Trtch correspondent of a Blngham-tn paper and will Interest Waver-ljt acquaintances of the Eev. Leon Ejlsworth: VMystery surrounds the granting of a divorce to the (Rev. Leon W.

Ellsworth from Mrs. Hazel Woodard Ellsworth in Dallas, Texas, as reported yesterday. Neither Mrs. Ellsworth or her counsel, City Judge J. M.

Forsythe, has been served with any legal papers In a divorce action. The Rev. Mr. Ellsworth and Mies Marjorie Turn er with whom he is said to have elbped from East Berlin, are reported to have been married in Texas last Friday. Mrs.

Ellsworth recalls that a Texas attorney wrote her last October to inquire if she would oppose the grantine of a di vorce to Ellsworth. Her lawyer, Judge Forsythe replied that Ells ill TO LOOK The eurprsied. wonder that You will here. Coats, Sayre, Penn'a iralJLn members, the newer members of the chapter and the recent applicants for membership will foe an opportunity to secure tickets. TOO COLD FOR HOUSE CLEANING The weather changed and Street Commissioned Byron Gould changed his plans.

The improved streets of the village will be given their Spring housecleaning at a later date. vVAVERLY PERSONALS W. H. Hopkins was in Penn Yan Tuesday to attend the funeral of his uncle, Lieut. George Wilklns.

George H. Scott Is planning, to leave on a business trip to Mexico in the near future. N- Green novelty dance at Moos hall, Waverly, Friday, March 17, from 9 until 1. 18M2 A golf club and a husband make excellent rug beaters. WELCOME SAYRE, PA.

Formerly The Crawford Co. RUN RIGHT TO REBECK'S THE YELLOW FRONT STORES Pink Salmon 121-2ccan many, many peopJe who were inon our Opening Day were pleasantly The beautiful display and the extremely low prices pleased all. Is it any we weer busy? find here the better grades only. You will find shopping a pleasure Dresses, Suits, Skirts, Waists and Millinery and Everything New IS TO BUY YOU ARE ALWAYS BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE ($2500) secures (40) room, (3) story, brick hotel, all furnished, large veranda, upstairs and down, (2) baths, steam heat, and electric lights, large livery barns and gardens, only hotel in large town with (2) railroads, and state roads, average about (15) boarders. Furniture alone worth nearly price asked for property.

($5500.) West Sayre (8) room modern house ($2500) easy terms. (6) acres, fine poultry farm In Spencer, the nicest location in town, Jarge house suitable for (2) families, good barn, (4) large poul try houses (16x40) ft with electric lights, brooder houses, fine orchard, all good condition, all for ($3800) easy terms. THE STYLE SHOP Formerly The Crawford Co. 211 Desmond St. WARREN BENJAMIN, i'.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.