The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)


YOfJ- LUTHERAN Morning service at 10:30. Sunday school-at 11:45. No evening service. All are welcome. METHODIST EPISCOPAL A.

D. Finch minister "I can't" never did any thing. "I'll try" has worked wonders. "I will" has performed miracles. If each one of our members would say "I will attend church" and THE EVENING TIMES founded In 1891 and eonolldatd with the Valley Record In 1907 Jhe Evening Times is published every evening except Sunday by the Sayre Printing Company, a corporation at Sayre, Pa.

Mrs. Annie I M. Stephens, Vice-President; Mrs. Clara Johnston, Treasurer; Frank H. Cook, Secretary.

FRANK H. COOK Business and Advertising Manager R. C. HASCALL News Editor The Evening Times Is delivered by carriers In Sayre, Waverly, i Athens and South Waverly for 18 cents per week, payable to the carrier boys every week. By mall six dollars per year, payable In advance.

8lngle copies three cents. TELEPHONES: Valley: Editor' Office 32-Y. Business Office 12-X Bell Phone 2608. Entered at the postofflce at Sayre, as second class mall matter The Evening Times Is the only paper In Northeastern Pennsylvania having a leased wire telegraph service member of The United Pi-ese. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 11)24.

11 CHURCH OF CHRIST Keystone Avenue and Lincoln St. then do it we would soon have the church crowded. Why not do it? Rev. Walter C. Prewitt, pastor Bllilo school at 10 o'clock.

Clas ses for people of all ages. Come I ind -bring your children. Communion and preaching at 11 o'clock. Girton Carl will sneak at this service. We all should be in commencing Sunday evening.

There will be no service Saturday evening. Evangelist I. L. Bo-van ol Pittston, will speak every evening. Tuesday and Friday afternoons will be devoted to physical needs of man as provided for in die gospel of Christ.

Bring the sick to bear what God has to say in His word concerning this phase of our need. It is our earnest purpose to reach as many as possible with this four-fold gospel message that the whole church of Christ, regardless of denominational lines, may share the spiritual blessings so graciously provided through God's unspeakable gift, in His son Jesus Christ, also to defend tho inspiration and authority of the whole counsel of God's word in His people. Are you satisfied with your present spiritual condition. If not, come and receive help that you need. If you are enjoying to the lull God's blessing, then co'mo and help others.

Don't forget the place, at the corner of North Main street said Cooper street, Athens. Sunday morning Rev. Bevan will speak the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church at 10:30 a. m. the Lord's house on the lord's day.

Prayer meeting at 7:30 on Thursday evening. A very good place to be. Choir rehearsal at 7:45 Friday evening. PRESBYTERIAN Morning service at the usual The Bible school which offers splendid opportunities for Bible study to both children and adults meets Sunday morning at 0:45. Let the children come and bring their parents.

The prophet said "And a litie child shall lead them." There is a rare treat in store for those who attend church Sunday morning at 10:45. Attorney F. L. Howard of Waverly will be the speaker and will deliver one of his inspiring and helpful addresses. Did you hear the girls' choir last Sunday evening? You missed something if you did not.

I have heard many expressions of appreciation of their splendid work. They will sing again at the Sunday evening service at 7:30. The pastor will speak at this service on the subject "Tho Vanity of a Worldly Life." The W. F. M.

S. will meet at tho home of Mrs. L. J. Putnam, hour, the Rev.

Fred Frisbie occu pying the pulpit; Sunday school immediately following. There will be no meoting of the Christian Endeavor nor evenirjf servce. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the church parlors at 2:30 p. m. Thursday, August 7th.

The regular Thursday evening lonoweu Dy tne Supper. All cordially welcome. ptayer-meetings, account of your pastor's temporary absence, will MARKET REPORT be-'discontinued until further no- lln willow street, Wednesday if-. tice. ternoon at 3 o'clock.

Mrs. Kuy-kendall leader. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at A good leader, spirited singing, fervent prayers, inspiring testimonies. Come! CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER Rev. William N.

Weir, rector Rev. George Harvey in charge Services 7th Sunday after Trinity 8 a. m. Holy Communion. St.

Cecelia choir will sing. WAVERLY CHURCHES 10 a. m. The Holy Commun ion. The Junior choir will sing.

Services at the Catholic church on Sunday as usual. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer. St- Cecelia choir will sing.

THE WEEK Wednesday. The transfiguration Christian Science services are held in Masonic Temple. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Regular service 11 a.

m. Subject, "Love." PEOPLE'S FORI NEW YORK, Aug. 2 Potatoes, Long Island 2.253.00; Jersey 2.00 2.50; Southern .5002.75. Flour, Dull and Easier. Patents 7.307.90; Clears 6.00fi) 0.50; Straights 6.25ft.G5; Kansas Straights 6.607.10; Kansas Patents 7.10(71)7.75; Kansas Clears 5.75 C.25; Rye 5.90(fJG.40; White Corn 3.2003.30.- Sugar, Raw, Quiet.

Refined, Quiet; Granulated C.400.75. Dressed Poultry, Firm. Turkeys 30(S41; Chickens 3544; Fowls 16 a 30; Ducks 23; Ducks, Long Island 22. Live Poultry, Steady. Geese 10 14; Ducks 13(f24; Fowls 1724; Turkeys 20tfX30; Roosters 16; Broilers 25032.

Cheese, Firm. State, whole milk, common to specials 1521 1-2; State, skims, medium to specials lltfi12; Lower grades 410. Butter, Easier. Creamery, extra 37 l-237 3-4; Special Market 3S 38 3-4, Eggs, Dull. Nearby white, fancy 4G48; Nearby State whites 30 45; Western whites Fresh firsts 2936; Pacific coast 3745; Nearby browns 3744.

of Christ. 10 a. m. the Holy Communion. Thursday.

10 a. m. the Holy Communion. The church open daily for rest, meditation and FACULTY ULSTER Christian and Missionary Alliance services, Sunday, August 3 at 10:30. Rev.

I. L. Bevan, evangelist and Bible teacher, will preach and the covenant of the Lord's Supper will be observed. GOmPLETE 11 ATHENS CHURCHES STRANGE MAN PASSES He became a town character in Grand Rapids, and won his nickname, "Home Made," because for years he lived up to his boast that he could make every article he needed except food. -As for food, he could have grown enough to keep alive.

The telegraph wires neglected to say why he failed to make garden. Maybe because he was so. busy making things he needed. His name was Frank Way. He died the other day at 69.

They buried him in a coffin he made a year ago when his health began to slip. Here was a. man with personality if there ever was one. What prompted Frank Way, 23 years ago, to. try to make himself entirely independent of the labor of others has not been disclosed.

Psycho-analysts probably would say he had some sort of "elf -complex." He made his own shoes, hats, trousers, shirts, even his own cigars, and false teeth. Far back in the mists of time all men did this. They to. Then they observed that, for instance, one man made arrow heads faster than any one else and was slow at killing wild game for food. Another had a knack for erecting, houses.

So each specialized at the thing he could do best and, since he produced more than he could use, he bartered the products of his toil for the products of others. This started commerce and specialization. It rifaide life easier for all. Frank Way; didn't need to proye that a man can be self-sustaining. It's been proven before, millions of tiniest The idea of course, fires popular imagination this being completely independent.

Witness the popularity of the exploits of Robinson Crusoe. Even he, however, had to get help his man There's a bit of a joke on Frank Way, after all. To be "self-sustaining" over a period of 23 years, he had to work an average of 12 hours a clay. Jad he wasn't self-sustaining at all. He boasted that he made his own cigars.

A lot of us roll our own cigarettes and fill our pipes. But we don't grow the tobacco ourselves. We don't cure, blend it, haul it to us from the source of production. Nor did Frank Way. It was so with everything he made.

Hundreds bf men had each his little share of effort represented in every bit of raw material Frank Way used for instance, the nails he drove in his home-made shoes. There is no independence from our ellowmen as long as we live among them and want even the simplest of necessities. We are all though usually we stupidly forget this truth and pppose each other. The doctors, after an examination, say that President Coolidge has a "very good constitution." So there's one constitution that doesift need any amendments. ST.

JOSEPH'S P. J. Durkan, Pastor. Masses during the months at 7:30 and 9:30. The Evening Times assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in communications printed under the above caption.

Letters of personal import or matter which may be construed as libelous will not bo printed. No attention will be paid to anonymous communications. The opinion bf citizens on matters of public interest are welcome, but such' communications must be signed. Names of correspondents will not be printed when so requested. summer Services at Grace Church.

Sunday the seventh Sunday alter Trinity there will be a plain celebration of Holy Communion at 11 a. al ter which the church services will be discontinued for the month. There will be no church school tomorrow or for the rest of the month. TRINITY Rev. George A.

Harvey, rector. There will be no services in this church Sunday, August 3rd. Miss Marian Keen of Wis-conisco to Teach Latin and English. The School Board of Ulster at a recent meeting completed the corps of for the coming year, by electing Miss Marion Keen of Wiconisco, as teacher of Latin and English. Miss Keen is a graduate of Dickinson College with the degree of A.

and specialized in the above subjects at college. The faculty complete for the graded and high school is: O. Bird, for the past four years at New Albany, Principal; M. C. Mul-lin, formerly Principal of the Elk-land Township High School, Sullivan county, Assistant Principal; SAVED FROM OPERATION At the Baptist Church, morning service will be at 10:30.

Church School at 12. Y. P. S. B.

U. at 0:15 and evening service at 7:30. The Rev. Arnold J. Look of Philadelphia, will preach both morning and evening and special organ music will be rendered by Mrs.

Raymond Farrow, organist. PRESBYTERIAN N. E. Koehler, minister 10:30. At the morning service we have the opportunity of hearing Miss Louise Murray tell about the World's S.

S. Convention held in Glasgow. Miss Murray has just returned from a tour of Europe on which she attended this great convention and will have much to say of interest to our people. 11:50. Sunday school service.

Plans will be announced for the annual picnic of the Sunday school and congregation. 6:30. Christian Endeavor service. Subject "How Jesus Treat Mrs. Shaw Calls Lydia E.

Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound a God-Send to Sick Women. Cambridge, Me. "I suffered ter Editor, Sayre Times; Sir: May I be given the privilege of your vaulable columns to air my views regarding baseball in this borough At the present time we have a team representing Athens which is not wholly composed of Athens players who are better ball players than some outsiders who play on that team. At least, we feel there might be more interest in the team if it were composed of Athens players, or players employed here. I have witnessed games between Athens and Sayre teams, where part of the Sayre team was from VVaveriy and Auieiis, and pail of ribly with pains and soreness in my Miss Marion Keen, High School Mrs.

George Hedge of Camden, N. who has been spending a few days at the home of her brother, Francis C. Gallup, went to Wilkes-Barre Thursday to visit a sister befoie returning to her home. Miss Hazel Kasson of Rochester, N. is spending a couple of weeks witli her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. F. B. Kasson. Those who took advantage the excursion to New York City and Coney Island last Sunday were Frank and John Nobles, Charles and Francis Aumick, Thomas Pollock and Leon Sherman.

They report a delightful trip. Mrs. Yocum, who has been spending a few days with Mrs. Mayme Voorhis at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Sylvester Hor-ton, at Sheshequin, returned to her Binghamton home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woolsey and three daughters of Earlville, and C. E.

Strope of Orwell, have been spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Chubb. Rev.

and Mrs. W. F. Miller and young son of Lanesboro, were in town Wednesday afternoon en route to Hornbrook, to visit in the homes of some of his old parish-oners. Clayton Buckingham of Utica, N.

is visiting his cousins, Ruth and Betty Horton. Mr. and Mrs. A. D.

McMorran, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Gillette and Miss Mattie Howie were in Sayre Tuesday evening calling on Mrs.

George Reynolds at the Packer Hospital and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy and son at the People's Hqspital. Mr. and Mrs. T.

Morrison and Mrs. A. H. Stack' and guest, Miss Lulu Berg, were also among tho town people who attended the Presbyterian Club meet at Lake Wesauking on Wednesday. Miss Alice Snyder of Endicott, is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. B. E. Snyder, at Sheshequin. Mrs.

Floyd Spaulding went to El-mira Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Hugh Evans, for a few days. George B. Lewis attended the funeral of his cousin, E. P.

Turner, at Waverly Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. G.

Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McMorran and J.

Frank Ammerman spent Thursday evening in Sayre. Xhe Ulster Study Club will meet with Mrs. W. H. Layman, south of town, Monday afternoon, August 4.

teacher; Miss Elizabeth O'Hearn, Grammar Grades; Miss Laura Mac-afee, Intermediate Grades; Miss Louise Reynders, Primary Grades. a The course of study will offer, a ed Enemies." full four year course, affording an sides, iacn month I had to ro to bed, and theaoctor told me I simply had to go under an operation before get help. I aw your advertisem*nt in tha paper, and I told my husband one day to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veec- oportunity for those who have pre I 7:30 p. there will be no preaching service during the viously completed a three year course either here or elsewhere to month of August.

Thursday the annual picnic and round out their four year High outing of the church and congrega School credits. tion will bo held on the Fair At the Methodist Church, the Sunday services will be held as foliows: Church school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11. Epworth League at 6:30.

No church service in the evening. At the morning service the Rev. A. D. Finch, pastor oi the Methodist Episcopal CilUlch ill Atiiuun, viil bupltly la the pulpit in the absence of the Rev.

David L. MacDonald who is attending the summer school of theology at Ocean Grove. At the Presbyterian Church, the morning service will he held at 10:30. There will be no Sunday School or evening services in this church during August. The sermon topic in the morning will be "How to Use Your Religion When In Trouble." A special musical program has been arranged for this service.

Miss Rena Hilton of Elmira, and Miss Charlene Smith of Waverly, will sing and Mr. Maier, violinist and concert master for the New York Symphony Orchestra will play two selections. Graduates of the Ulster, High Grounds with the usual outdoor School In the three year course have always been able to maintain activities. Thursday evening The mid week prayer meeting will be held on the picnic grounds at 6:45 and high standing when they took the fourth year at other schools, which proves that the foundation'' has been well laid here. With the strong teaching foroe engaged for the Athens team from Waverly and Sayre- Is this situation relished by the fans? I think not.

I realize that it is probably too late- now to alter the situation. Cut I would like to see Athens, Sayre, South Waverly, Waverly, Towanda, and a few other towns in- a league composed entirely of resident players. I think an amateur baseball league something on the lines suggested above would arouse great interest among the baseball fans. I wonder If it would be too late to get up some such kind of a league now for the remainder of the summer, making iwa strictly amateur affair composed of resident players on each team. Baseball Fan.

a demonstration will be given ot the work of the D. V. B. S. This Looks as if General Butler's housecleaning in Philadelphia had made the house too clean to suit.

school has been an unqualified suc tho coming year this High School standard will be maintained table Compound. Before I took the tmrci dose I felt bettor. I took it, four times a day for two years.getting better all the time, and now for four years I don't have any pains. After taking the -medicine, ior two years I had another child a lovely baby girl now four years old the. life of our home.

I do praise this medicine. It is a Godsend to women who suffer with female troubles and especially for pains at the periods. I surely was very bad once, and I know that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound saved me from an operation." Mrs; Josie M. Shaw, Route No.

1, Car, bridge, Maine. A country-wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound reports 98 out of every 100 vor benefited by it. cess and the young people invite their friends to be present at this demonstration of the activities of the session of the school. throughout the fourth year subjects. School will commence on Tuesday, September 2nd.

Ulster Methodist Episcopal Henry C. Sears, minister. 9:30 a. m. Worship and at Milan, followed by Sunday INTERDENOMINATIONAL.

SERVICES. Services will continue during the coming week at the gospel tent, BAPTIST C. Wellington Hardy, pastor Be it everso humble, there is no place like your own home church on Sunday. Make a special effort to attend this Sunday and bring some one with you. "For God so loved the world that He school.

New York Superintendent Seeks To Aid Backward Pupils 10:30 a. m. Ulster, worship and REMARKABLE ACCIDENT PHOTOGRAPH Opportunity to develop individ sermon. Sermon subject, "Vaca tion." Sunday school at 11:45. p.

m. Milan Epworth League. gave his only begotten Son that ual gifts of body and mind to ful- lest measure is what William wnosoever Denevein in mm suuum 7:30 p. m. Ulster evening wor O'Flaherty, district superintendent, I not perish but have everlasting ship with special attractions for Mrs.

Anna M. Aver will read a the young people. is asking for all pupils after mak- lite." John tne notices ior ing a study of the children of two the day and week are as follows: school districts of New York City. I 10:30 a. m.

Morning worship m. sutizvy IB Subject, "The Outcome ot the Three Tenses of Christian Life." 11:45 a. m. Bible study classes paper on "Hawaiian Islands." Miss Marion Keir, who is in training at the Packer Hospital in Sayre, is spending her vacation with her parents at North Ghent. John R.

Jones and dauchter, Helen, of East Troy, were Ulster visitors Thursday morning. Dr. and Mrs. C. M.

Woodburn of directed by L. Johnston, superin tendent. 6:45 p. m. Y.

P. S. C. E. Leader, Mr.

PTitchaitd Subjec. "How Jesus "Treated Enemies." The plan he recommends will mean smaller classes, a larger number of teachers, and more intensive study of individual pupils on the part of principals and teachers. It may and probably will mean additional cost, but it is claimed that it will eradicate the wasteful expenditure of time, effort and money Involved in attempting to compel all pupils to travel toward the same goal and at the same rate of speed- Binghamton, were calling on friends I Consecrating meeting 7:30 m. Evenine service. Subject, "The in town Thursday evening.

Mrs. Frank Space and son of Ithaca, N. are guests of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. M.

A. Cranmer, at Sheshequin. Land of Beginning Again." device o6fainnbie A BANK account should be your business barometer. It will tell of the pleasant successful days to come or warn you of an approaching storm. 'Ixt us serve you in our capacity of conservative Wednesday the Bethany class Mr.

and Mrs. T. M. Morrison were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.

R. W. Kendall. Mrs. Morrison is rapidly regaining her health, a fact her many friends are pleased to note.

R. M. Hovey of Lockport, N. visited his cousin, Mrs. Jerry C.

Greening, Tuesday. This was the first time they had met in thirty-nine years. Mr. Hovey was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.

James Case of Sayre. Mrs. A. E. LaPorte of Washington, I).

is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Benjamin P. Walbron, at Oak Hill. Mrs. HaYry Higgins and daughter Rose, returned from New York City Wednesday night, after a few weeks visit with relatives there.

Among the townspeople who picnicked at Lake Wesauking on Wed uesday and attended the Presbyterian Club meet -were: Rev. F. M. Dowlin, Mr. and Mrs.

H. Z. Shaw, hold their monthly business meet FISHING IN CANADA OTTAWA, Ont, (United Press) American anglers will find Can BUSINESS LOCALS Automobiles satisfactorily paint ed and refinished- Washing and Sim inizing our specialty. Schultz, the ing at the home ot Mrs. Middaugh.

An all day meeting. Thursday at 7:30 prayer meeting will be held in the church. There will be a special leader. Friday, choir rehearsal at 7:30 A full attndance is desired. Notice.

All announcements to go in for the Saturday paper must be brought to Mrs. A. J. Macafee at prayer meeting Thursday night. Presidents of all societies are re painter.

North Main and Cooper ada's national parks an Izaak Walton's paradise this summer. No licenses will be required for fishing with hook and line in the national preserves, according to a new ruling announced here by John B. Harkin, Dominion Parks Commissioner. The catch limit allowed visiting fishermen, will vary streets. Athens.

lA6t 1 III -n i ntvTTTv-r i i-ir-v PJ Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mather, Mr. With the riititrirfa in whlrh the Here Is one of the most remarkable photographs ever made.

II Iras taken at tho speed hill climb of the South Wales Auto Club at Casrhilly, near Cardiff, Wales, when Raymond Mays, driving hb racing Car at 05 miles an hour, had the back axle ot his car break in two. The-tar fortunately kept the road, and Mays was able to stop It without tnjui -to himself. The photographer snapped his picture just as the Tear wheel flew oft. ttole Uiu wheel ia midair, as May tarn to mm HIGHEST CASH PRICE. Paid (or old paperi, magazlnei, rags.

Iron and other stals. Call lis if yon hav tnythlnt. Phone 75-D. SMtf MAX COHEN sponsible for the announcements of their society and should let her know at that timej. Should they neglect to do it the 'announcement and Mrs.

Fred G. Kirk, Miss Mary Larks are The in F. McCarty, Mr. and Mrs. M.

P. season lasts until September 15th. Lvans, Grace Mary Evans and Mrs. Charles Reynders. Head Times Classified Adfc will have to go in seperate from.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.