The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE TEN THE EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1968 Sayre, Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N.Y. Con Con Enters Its Last Week of Committee Talks Before Main Debate Budget Secretary Will Seek State Fiscal Office HARRISBURG (AP) The Constitutional Convention begins its fi nal week of committee deliberations today in keeping with a timetable to allot at least one full month for floor debate before the proceedings HARRISBURG (AP) Add the "name of Budget Secretary Arthur F. Sampson to the list of aspirants seek- the Republican nomination for one of the two fiscal offices on the 1968 election calendar. 1 Sampson, 41, of Erie, disclosed over the weekend that he has been sounding out party leaders on his prospects and has been encouraged by the reception to date. Including among those advised of (his interest in running for auditor general or state treasurer was Gov.

Shafer, a close friend. Committee, its fate Is far from determined. Considerable sentiment has been building to cut the size of the House to the neighborhood of 150 in the interest of efficiency and, possibly, economy. Proponents of a smaller House contend that a maximum of 150 seats would make the chamber a more viable arm of government. Opponents counter, however, that such a move would cut down the communication between a representative and his constituency and make the House a less responsive body to the electorate.

The apportionment panel must also come up with a recommendation to redistiict the legislature after each decennial census, a provision of the current B4-year-old Constitution which has generally been ignored by both the House and Senate. One plan would have a five-mem must close Feb. 28. Under the convention's rules, all proposals for revision of the judicial, reapportionment, taxation and finance and local government articles must be reported to the floor by Friday. Only one proposal has been cleared from committee to date a controversial recommendation to retain the existing 203 House and 50 Senate seats.

Still to be resolved finally are such questions as reapportionment of the General Assembly, property tax exemptions for public utilities and charitable institutions; selection of "The governor told me he was glad to learn of my interest, but he did not, nor could he, commit turn-self," Sampson said. Twenty-two cars of the run of the Lehigh Valley Railroad were derailed near Barton Sunday and cars were piled up like Jackstraws alone the right-of-way which parallels; Route 17. judges; and revision of the minor judiciary. The Republican State Executive Committee meets here Friday and Saturday to select its statewide ticket and its delegates-at-large to the GOP National Convention in August. The The convention reconvenes at 1:30 p.m.

ber commission composed of four legislative leaders and a layman draw up a reapportionment plan in 90 days or turn the difficult job over to the state Supreme Court. A total of 210 proposals have been recommendctions are to be submit ted to the full GOP State Committee introduced by the 163 delegates and have been under committee reviews Ulster Couple Celebrate 25th Anniversary The high court was forced to draw Saturday. Sampson, an Erie business execu new district lines for both chambers in 1965 under the "one-man, one- since Jan. 11. While the size of the House and Senate was released relatively early from the Legislative Apportionment five before coming to Harrisburg in 1963 as deputy secretary of property and supplies, is regarded as one of vote" principale when the Democratic House and Republican Senate fail ed to agree.

Shafer's closest advisors. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Williams of Ulster were honored at a surprise He served as Shafer's campaign coordinator in the 1966 gubernatorial 'contest and was rewarded for his efforts with the delicate budget sec dinner party in observance of their Rocky Best Bet but Pros Like Nixon, Northeast State GOP Leaders Say retary's position at $25,000. 25th wedding anniversary Wednesday night at the White Tavern Restaurant in Alba, Pa.

Over 50 relatives and friends gath The two fiscal ofices pay $32,500. Sampson's disclosure made him the second member of the Shafer Ad- er at the restaurant to honor the couple at the party arranged by the By The Associated Press ministration heirarchy to be actively seeking party support for endorse- A key group of Republican leaders concludes Nelson Rockefeller couple three children, Joan Marie, Kenneth Harry and Carol Ann. ment in the April primary election. would be their best vote-getter in He said he is primarily interested in A large all white wedding cake, created by several Ulster women, the presidential race but that Rich the auditor general's post. ard M.

Nixon is first choice among was the center of decorations featur Revenue Secretary Warner Depuy ing white wedding bells and party professionals. In New Hampshire, supporters of George Romney express worry about a Rockefeller said last December that he was soliciting the backing of county chair Workmen start making repairs to the single track Auburn Branch line with oveturned cars ilying mute in the John Varney, a friend of the fam men for either auditor general or write-in campaign. ily, provided organ accompaniment As for the man the Republicans for dancing and singing throughout could cut into Romney's support. The Gallup Poll said Johnson's popularity rating, which now stands at 48 per cent of the public approving the way he's doing his job, is his highest figure since his June meetings with Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin in Glassboro, N.J.

After Glassboro, his figure was 52 per cent. In the new poll, 39 per cent of thos interviewed expressed disapproval and 13 per cent were undecided. Dr. George Gallup said factors involved in the rise in Johnson's popularity are: Many people apparently think he has shown more aggressiveness in dealing with problems; There is more optimism concerning Vietnam; Democrats seem to be rallying are expected to run against, the Gal the evening. lup Poll reported President Johnson's Mr.

and Mrs. Williams were mar popularity has gone up 10 per cent ried Sunday, Jan. 24, 1943 at 1 p.m. ft the heme of the bride's Darents. since October.

The only announced Democratic Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Youne of 41fi state treasury. Both Sampson and Depuy said they would not campaign independently in the primary if by-passed by the party leaders. A third potential candidate is Frank Pasquerilla, a Johnstown businessman who is a delegate to the Con- stitutional Convention.

U.S. Rep. Richard S. Schweiker of Montgomery County is without question the leading GOP candidate for the U.S. Senate seat now occupied stale Towanda.

Rev. Paul Brown, pastor of the Towanda Meth candidate. Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota, proposed a Latin-American program that would include "the return of Cuba into the odist Church, officiated.

Williams is the former Miss family of nations." Republican chairmen from 11 around him as the probable Olive June Young of Towanda and the couple was attended by her sister Mrs. Joseph (Gwen) Bretcher and her brother, Dr. Jerome Young. it 1 states of the heavily populated Northeast plus Washington, D.C., agreed at a Saturday meeting in New York on Rockefeller strength as a potential presidential nominee and Nixon's McCarthy, who's running in six presidential primaries in opposition Democratic incumbent Joseph S. Clark.

Superior Court Judge John B. num of Chester County, serving an interim appointment on the bench, is expected to be endorsed for a full to Johnson's Vietnam policies, said in proposing a poliucal-economic reform program for Latin America: popularity with party professionals. The leaders' conclusions were pre "We ought to see if things couldn't 10-year term. Icy Roads Blamed For Auto Crash, sented to newsmen without details. It was reported they reached no formal conclusion.

be opened to Cuba. We deal with Tito (of Yugoslavia). No point in letting this Cuban situation stand for A spokesman said there didn't ever." seem to be much enthusiasm for Romney at the two-day closed meet McCarthy told the Inter-American No One Hurt Forum of the United States Catholic ing. Rockefeller has maintained he isn't a candidate and supports Romney GOP Chiefs Back Schweiker For Senate Seat An East Smithfield woman and thp three passengers in her 1966 Chrvsler Council, meeting in St. Louis, that Cuba's Latin neighbors could help the Communist country "move toward a fuller life for its people, unshackle the chains in which she is caught.

its political prisoners and begin to move toward free for the nomination. But Romney men traveling with their candidate in New Hampshire expressed fear of a Rockefeller write-in vote in the March 12 primary there. Such a development, they said, Many cars were split open spilling out bags of feed and grain. At the left can be seen some bags which did not fall out, and at right in the background is the crane of the wrecker pulling the boxcars out of the way. were uninjured when she lost control of the car on icy pavement on Elmira St.

in Athens Township early Sunday morning about 1:15 a.m. dom." According to Athens TrramsWn TUNKHANNOCK, Pa. Repub lican leaders in the 10th coneression- oilier oi ronce Kenneth Hoover, Miss Linda Forrest of East Smithfield was al district are backing Rep. Richard S. Schweiker, R-Pa.

as the party traveling south on Elmira St. when she attempted to negotiate the curve candidate for the U.S. Senate. New York Weekend Crashes Kill 16; Six Die in fires, Overall Toll 28 located in front of the Valley Shop Schweiker, from Montgomery is the only Republican who has Elmiran Winds Up In Jai! After Breaking Window ping fiaza site. According to Chief Hom-pr Mi announced he will seek nomination to Forrest stated that an oneomintr rar oppose the re-election bid of Sen.

Jo had the lights on high beam which seph S. Clark, D-Pa. glared otf the icy pavement. The GOP leaders are nominated delegates and alternates to the na- sue pulled to the riaht nf th roadway and the car struck a hump tonal convention in August at Miami ALBANY, N. Y.

(AP) Two separate automobile accidents in which a total of nine persons were known dead and four house fires that each claimed the life of a young child death toll in New York State to 28. helped push the weekend accidental Five occupants of a car were drowned Saturday night when the ve Beach, Fla. ed for 16 deaths, fires 6 and other types of mishaps 6. Other deaths reported Saturday night and Sunday, by community: Saturday night: Hagaman John C. Moran, 50, parked car on a rural road.

Strykersvillc Marine S. Sgt. Richard Juchniewicz, 26, of Buffalo, car struck bridge abutment and plunged ui ice ana snow along the edge of the road and the car was thrown off the right side of the road and scraped along the fence bordering Chosen for delegates were Ralph P. Carey of Old Forge, and Richard Masters of Montrose. For the alter- me mcnoias nosn Held.

hicle went off the Belt Parkway in nate posts the GOP leaders named Lester Burtein of Honesdale and The district leaders also went on ns'ii siae ot uie car was scratched and Mr. Hoover estimated Brooklyn and plunged into upper me damage at about $80. New York Bay. All five were from Jersey City, N. J.

They were Felix Bracero. 37, -record as endorsing Rep. Joseph W. "McDade for reelection to Congress. Ralph Sheldon of Tunkhannock.

The district includes Pike Wayne, Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Bradford, Tioga and Sullivan counties. his wife, Julia, 33. their son. Felix Report Icy Roads 13, Mrs. Emilia Mercado.

60, mother of Mrs. Bracero, and Speida mto a creek. Sunday: Fredonia Gerald J. Tramuta, 23, of Dunkirk, car skidded on wet pavement and struck a tree. Buffalo Hubert Boyd, 49, of Buffalo, two-car collision.

Pulaski CJair R. Smith, 36. and Douglas Sheldon, 44, both of Altmar. car struck tree beside Route 126 Batavaia Pleaze Wynn, 30, of Batavia, fire at his apartment. Dryden Robert L.

Eldrige. 4, of Dryden, struck by auto while walking on Route IS. i 1 Mercado, 19, Mrs. Mercado's grand daughter. Cause of Mishaps Yolando Bracero, 10, was reported missing.

Four persons were killed, also Sat urday night, at Harrison in a car If you have an argument with your buddy and are stuck in a strange town alone early in the morning, don't throw a rock through a store window to attract attention. You'll wind up in jail. An Elmiran learned this lesson over the weekend. Edward Hubbard, 28, of 112 1-2 Orchard Elmira, was riding with a friend from Williamsport early yesterday morning and the two sot into an argument. As a result, Hubbard was ejected in Troy from the machine by his buddy.

Alone and cold, and unsuccessful at hitching a ride, Hubbard thought that his best chance was to get in touch with police. He would be sure of a ride someplace that way. So, he found a good-sized rock and hurled it through the window of the Troy Equipment Co. on Route 14 just north of the borough. He then stopped a passing motorist, told him what he had done, and requested that he call the police.

The motorist obliged, but instead of calling the Troy police, notified the Bradford County State Police. Trooper Velardo was not long in arriving at the scene and took Hubbard into custody. The rock-thrower was taken before Justice of the Peace Quentin Chaffee of East To- Icy roads were said to be the cause of tliree accidents in Sayre Sunday morning. No injuries were A tanker car is orushed between two box cars. reported.

Sayre police reported that at 2:45 a.m. a car driven by Tliomas R. faluzzi. 20. of 106 South Elmer crash that, police said, resulted from drag-racing.

The four were in a car that struck a pillar. They were Gennaro Lerito, 22. Robert Arita. 17, Vicki Siano, 16. and Charlene Ceruzzi, also 16.

All were from nearby Port Chester. Walter Justynski, 19, of New Britain, was charged with vehicular homicide. Police said he was the driver of the second car involved in a race. Three of the house fires also oc Ave. was going south on Spring St.

and near Draper Street. Paluzzi said he saw a dog and applied the brakes. His car skidded and went across the Two Waverly Men Unhurt in Crash In Albany Twp. A car and a truck operated bv street striking a tree. fau-icia Coe.

19, of 401 North Main Athens, was a passenger. At 3:12 a.m. Carl Bendock of 518 rAdult Education Deadline Tonight Tonight will be the final opportunity for area adults to enroll in the classes of the Adult Education program of the Waverly Central Schools for the winter term. The following classes will have to be cancelled if sufficient enrollment is not attained this evening: Conver-'sational Spanish, Room 207 at 7 o'clock. This course is presented in an informal atmosphere enabling one to gain an understanding of the of the language; Advanced Typing; Room 261, 7 o'clock.

Any adult who has a basic understanding of the keyboard and would like to gain training of the 'newest machines should plan to at- this course. Anyone interested in learning to swim or improving their ability to swim should join the swimming class -meeting tonight at 7 o'clock. Any questions concerning Adult Ed- ucation should be directed to Joseph McGuire at 565-2892 or 565-9663. curred Saturday. South Waverly men were damaged in a crash yesterday afternoon about Keith Gray, 15 months, apparently crawled into a closet to escape from fire and smoke at his family's iwlh timer Ave.

was driving north on North Elmer. His car skidded on ice and he lost control, he said, the vehicle striking a truck owned by Murray and Son Fuel Company, and parked in front of th. home of the driver, Owen Fassett, of 817 North tinier Ave. The Bendock car was towed away by Lewis Garage of home in Queens. His death was attributed to asphyxiation.

o'clock, but no injuries resulted. Bradford County State Police report that John J. Firestine, 25, of Fourth was driving the car north on Route 2J in Albany Township and started to pass two slower moving vehicles ahead of him. wanda, who remanded him to the Raymond Kohler, 5. of Utica died Bradford County jail in lieu of as the result of a fire that, police bail.

said, started when the child and his There he remained today, not lone brother lit candles in a clothes closet. As he was in the left pursing lane truck operated by Richard Lee Troy Kitchen, 4, of Buffalo, died ly or cold, but evidently incarcerated until someone comes up with his bail. in a fire that began in a pile of clothing left near a space heater. aTe. At 7 a.m.

an auto driven by LeRoy D. Conklin of 409 Lincoln Sayre. going north on South Wilbur, made a right turn into Park Place and skidded striking a car owned by Katherine L. Robhins of 25 River Nichols. The Robbins car was parked on the north side of Guthrie Square.

i Broken off trucks lie in the foreground as Lehigh wrecking crews busily attack the problem of knocking the derailed cars out of the way, and repairing the track. Stephanie Gwyn, 18 months, perish Damage to the plate glass store Babco*ck. 32. of 4 West made a left turn irto a sen ice station. Firestine said he applied the brakes on his car but the machine slid into the left rear of the truck.

Damage to both vehicles was estimated at about $175 by police. ed in a fire at an East Harlem window was estimated at $300 by the owners. Evening Times Photos Over-all, traffic accidents account.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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