The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N.Y. THE EVENING TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1963 PAGE THREE Marriage Licenses Marriage license applications have been taken out at the office of the register and recorder at Towanda by John Joseph Firestine of Athens and Gloria Jean Slater of Athens, RD1 and Charles William Schmeckenbecker of Wysox, RD 1, and Betty Lou Webster of Towanda RD 1. BARN DANCE Saturday, Nov. 16 9 P.M. 12 MIDNIGHT Bernard Edsell Barn (LE RAYSVILLE) Warriner's Orchestra PRIZES BARN HEATED Iron Kettle Inn Waverly Hill, Waverly featuring Today's Special Broiled Halibut en Almondine Sauce $1.50 Special Children's Menus Open Weekdays at 2 P.M.

OUR GIFT TO YOU Free Wedding Cake With the purchase of a Bridal Gown ($70.00 up) Rockmans Lockhart SAYRE St. Home and Community Page Eileen Westfall, Editor Head Student Council at Sayre Officers of the Student Council at Sayre were installed at ceremonies held ernoon at the Sayre High School. They are, left to right, Jean Beck, ael Cheresnowsky, president; Kenneth Truesdale, treasurer; Jean Payavis, and Connie Potter, secretary. Officers of the Waverly Student Council were the ceremonies. Evening Sayre Student Council Members Installed by Waverly in Ceremony The Student Council at Sayre High School held installation ceremonies yesterday afternoon at the school auditorium with members of the Waverly Student Council conducting the service.

COUPON Sweaters BOYS' OFF Sizes 4-14 With This Coupon SHAFFER'S CAROUSEL N. KEYSTONE SAYRE Offer Expires Nov. 16 COUPON Does Your Kitchen Work For You? CALL TOM BURNS TU 5-5991 FREE ESTIMATES and PLANNING The new "Rugby" Look Beautiful new idea in shirts and sweaters for both men and boys! Wide stripes in many color combinations with white collars. KNIT SHIRTS by Lord Blair from $2.95 SPORT SHIRTS by Model from $3.95 SWEATERS by Lord Blair $13.95 Desmond St. Sayre, YOUR EXCLUSIVE MEN'S AND BOYS' Shop Nicholas Alteri, president of the Sayre Chapter of the National Honor Society, opened the program by welcoming the Waverly members and calling them to the platform, later turning the session over to Douglas Tighe, president of the Waverly Council.

Tighe then asked Jack Cleary, vice president of District 11 of New York State Student Council and president of the Waverly Honor Society, to conduct the flag salute. This was followed by opening remarks by both boys concerning the duties of the Student Council. The musical portion of the program was provided by the Brass Sextet of Waverly High School, under the direction of Samuel Cifonelli. This group played three selections. Tighe then spoke for a short time on the character of a Student Council members to the stage.

The entire council took the Pledge of the Student Council after which the officers took the officers' pledge. The audience then recited the Pledge of the Student Body. Tighe then spoke for a short time on the character of a Student Council member. Twenty-three members of the Sayre Student Council were installed as follows: Grade 12: Michael Cheresnowsky, Linda Hemming, Charlotte Hunter, Jean Payavis, Connie Potter, Janet Titus and Candice Ward. Grade 11: Jean Beck, Michael Ennis, Carolyn Froehlich, Gregory Hoyle, James Lyons, Tim O'Mara, Robert Setzer, Kenneth Truesdale and Frances Burkhart.

Grade 10: Thomas Baglini, Joseph Cost, Gilbert Durham, Karen Johnson, Wayne Sabin, Karen Wentzel and Barbara Luchaco. Officers are Michael Cheresnowsky, president; Jean Payavis, vice president; Connie Potter, secretary and Kenneth Truesdale, treasurer. Jean Beck was the announcer. Invite Teachers To Program On Reading Jack Hallman of Elmira will present a program on the teaching of reading Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in the Waverly Lincoln St. School auditorium.

All Valley and area teachers are invited to hear Mr. Hallman present his program to the Waverly elementary teachers. A Penn State Ur versity graduate and presently reading consultant for the city of Elmira, Mr. Hallman will discuss grouping, workbooks and the role of the teaching guide book for elementary reading. 120 Keystone DeFrahn's Studio PHONE Sayre 883-5291 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS DEADLINE, DEC.

7 A portrait is the most cherished gift you can give! BABY PORTRAIT ADULT PORTRAIT SPECIAL SPECIAL 3 Months to 7 Years 3-8x10 Colored 1-8x10 Colored Portraits Portrait 6 Wallet Size 2-5x7 Gold or 1-Frame Silver 6-Wallet Size COMPLETE COMPLETE $19.24 $17.95 Make Your Appointments Now ONLY 3 DAYS FOR APPOINTMENTS LEFT Make Your Appointment for- NOV. 20 or NOV. 27 or DEC. 4 CHRISTMAS CARDS ALL ORDERS MUST BE IN BY DEC. 7 EVENING APPTS.

50 for $6.95 For Family Groups Charles Kelsey, Wife to Mark 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kelsey, 94 Clinton Waverly, will -celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday. Their daughters, Mrs.

Carl Etshman, and Mrs. Arthur Hickey, of Sayre and Mrs. G. Lewis Terwilliger, of Waverly, have planned an open house for them. Open house will be held Sunday from 3 until 5 o'clock at the home of Mrs.

Etshman, 109 N. Hopkins Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. Kelsey were married Nov.

17, 1923, by Rev. Herbert Pease of Binghamton, a former pastor of the. Sayre Baptist Church. Their wedding took place at the Ayers residence on North Elmer Sayre. Mrs.

Earle D. Rolls, the former Marjorie Kelsey, and Earle P. Kelsey of Latham, N. sister and brother of the bridegroom, were the attendants. Thanksgiving Service Set For Nov.

27 A union Thanksgiving service will be held by the Protestant churches of Sayre Wednesday night, Nov. 27, at 7:30 at the First Presbyterian Church. The Service will be conducted by the host pastor, Rev. John N. Bartholomew.

Rev. Sydney Kane interim pastor of the First Baptist Church, will deliver the sermon. The service is sponsored by the Sayre Ministerial Association. Talk' to Be Presented By Waverly Senior Class Nov. 23 "Pillow Talk," a three-act comedy concerning the telephone troubles of Robert M'Cracken Graduates from Officers School SP5 Robert F.

McCracken graduated from the U.S. Army Training Center for Non-commissioned officers on Sept. 20 at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. SP5 McCracken attended the academy for five weeks training. He is a graduate of S-R-U Joint High School and has served in France and Korea.

He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCracken of Athens RD 2. He is married to the former Miss Nancy LaFritz of Waverly. Two Lowman Girls Injured In Two-Car Crash yesterday aftannouncer; Michvice president in charge of Times Photo Miss Ruth Tozer is advisor to the group.

The officers of the Waverly Student Council are: Douglas Tighe, president; Jack Cleary, vice president of District 11 Student Council and president of the Honor Society; Susan Moore, secretary and Joseph Knapp, treasurer. Robert England is their advisor. The Waverly sextet was composed of William Stedge, Louise Parker, Richard Chilson, Carol Stephens, Joseph Zeppa and Thomas Ault. Two Lowman, N.Y., girls were injured in a two-car accident on Route 17, just west of Chemung at 4:30 st Thursday afternoon. Listed in fair condition at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital, Elmira are: Betty L.

Bennett, 18, driver of one of the cars, has a right shoulder and right elbow injury. Patricia Taylor, 17, a passenger in the Bennett car, has a right shoulder injury and contusions. According to Trooner A. L. Gowan, who investigated, Miss Bennett was westbound on Route 17 and started to make a left turn into the Rotary gas station.

An eastbound car; driven by Howard J. Saleman. 37. of Savre. RD 2.

approached the Bennett car and Salsman hit his brakes. pulled to the left, but could not avoid striking the Bennett car in the right side. The investigation is continuing. May Decker to Speak at Church Miss May Decker of 311 Lincoln Sayre, will be the guest speaker at the Center Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Known as the "Irish Miss Decker is a native of Belfast, Ireland, who came here to work as an evangelist for the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church several years ago.

Miss Decker is presently employed in the laboratory of the Tioga General Hospital, where she has worked for the past two years, continuing her work as an evangelist for the church at the same time. Her topic for Sunday will deal with her life and evangelistic work in Scotland and Ireland. Sunday School will be held at 10 o'clock as usual. Couple to Reside in Binghamton JoAnne Lockett, Richard Becker Wed In Methodist Rites at Waverly Miss JoAnne Lockett, daughter of Mrs. Charles Canoll of 505 1-2 Fulton Waverly, and William Lockett of Jefferson Endicott, became the bride of Richard Becker, son of Mr.

and Mrs. George Becker of 100 Vine Binghamton, Saturday evening, Nov. 2 at 7 o'clock at the Methodist Church in Waverly. Rev. Robert Grover, pastor of the church, heard the exchange of vows and performed the double ring candelight ceremony in a setting of pompons.

Mrs. Dorothy Shellard, organist, provided a program of traditional wedding music and accompanied Mrs. David Hallett as she sang "'The Wedding Prayer." Miss Sandra Nelsen of Chemung, a student at Cornell University, was maid of honor for her cousin. Acting as best man was Howard White, Jr. of Mechanicsburg, cousin of the bride.

Ushers were Lynn Compton and Richard Chilson, both of Waverly. Given in marriage by her brother, Donald Lockett, the bride was attired in a floor length gown of white brocade taffeta styled with a bateau neckline, edged with seed pearls, and long sleeves ending in points over the wrists. The bouffant skirt featured a train. Formes of ruffles falling into tiers formed the bustle back. Her fingertip illusion veil was attached to a taffeta cabbage rose.

She carried a nosegay of red roses with rosebud streamers. The maid of honor wore a royal blue taffeta dress fashioned with a jewel neckline. A matching headpiece, contrasting shoes and gloves, and a small pearl pendent completed her outfit. She carried a nosegay of pink roses. For her daughter's wedding Mrs.

Canoll selected a light blue knit dress which she complemented with a royal blue feather hat and a red rose corsage. Mrs. Becker, mother of the bridegroom, chose a mint green brocade sheath dress which she accented with a white feather hat and a yellow rose corsage. Following a reception at the V.F.W. in Sayre, the couple left for a trip.

For traveling, the bride chose an oatmeal walking suit with a brown fur collar and matching headpiece. The former Miss Lockett is a graduate of Waverly High School and is Fourth Ward P-TA To Hear Speaker Fourth Ward P.TA will meet next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the school. Claas Hamming, foreign exchange student, will speak on "Education in the Netherlands." Projects will be submitted for approval at this meeting. It has been announced that the teachers will be at the school at 7:30 o'clock. Three Treated at Packer Dispensary Three persons were treated at the dispensary of the Robert Packer Hospital yesterday, including child who ate aspirin.

All were released. Jeffrey Northrup, 3-year-old son of Samuel Northrup of Sayre, RD 1, ate some baby aspirin at his home. Ray Grow, 69, of Nichols, fell from a ladder and injured his left heel. Colleen Dunfee, 18 months, daughter of James Dunfee of 207 N. Wilbur Ave.

Sayre, fell at home and lacerated her forehead. hamton Central High School and is employed in management dethat partment at Grandway in Binghamton. The couple wil reside in Binghamton. DANCE TONITE 9 till 1 SOUTH WAVERLY COMMUNITY HALL Modernaires Trio Ed Coolbaugh, calling Miriam B. Minier BEAUTY SALON 311 S.

WILBUR SAYRE, PA. Precision HAIR CUTTING AS TAUGHT BY Madam Marguerite E. Buck, Who Is Trainer Of The U.S. Olympic Hairdresser Team. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT DIAL TU 3-7141 an interior decorator and her "romeo" neighbor, will be presented by the Waverly Senior class on Saturday evening, Nov.

23, with curtain time at 8:15 in the Senior High School auditorium. Mrs. Hilda Reed, high school librarian and a member of the Valley Players, will direct the play. The seniors present their annual play not only to learn dramatic fundamentals and for entertainment but also to assist in raising funds for the senior trip to New York City. A ticket canvass will be conducted tonight from 6 o'clock until 1 9 by members of the senior class; and tickets may be purchased from any one of them either in tonight's canvass or any time up to curtain time on Nov.

23. County Chapterof NARCE Formed, Officers Elected A Bradford County Chapter of the National Association of Retired Civil Employes was organized at a meeting held in the Sayre post office building yesterday, and officers were elected. John L. Gallagher was named president of the unit, Harry Zeller was elected vice president, and Martin O. Hanson was chosen secretarytreasurer.

Federation president Joseph Myers and field Vice President Frank J. Gerchow installed the new officers and spoke briefly to the group. The next meeting of the chapter will be held in the Sayre post office building on Tuesday, Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. LaFritz Gets Army Promotion Pfc.

Rodney L. LaFritz, has been promoted to Specialist fourth class at Ft. Louis, Washington. The promotion came through on Oct. 18.

Specialist LaFritz son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaFritz of Pembleton Road, Waverly, has spent time in France and has won many trophies and awards in sports. His team holds the championship title in France and in Germany for football and other sports. LaFritz is a graduate of Waverly High School.

Teen Council Slates Dance Sayre Recreation Teen Council's record hop will take place this evening from 8 until 11 o'clock. Admission to this event will be a large can of canned goods and 25 cents. Cans of food taken in at this dance will be donated to the needy families in this area at Thanksgiving time. employed by the Marine Midland Bank in Binghamton. Her husband is a graduate of Bing- TURKEY HARVEST SUPPER Family Style Saturday, Nov.

16 Serving at 5 P.M. 7:30 P.M. I-R HALL Benefit- Athens Methodist Men and Martha Circle Adults $1.25 Children 12 under 75c Pre-School FREE JOIN NOW MERCHANDISE CLUB Clothing for Men-Boys-Ladies AGENTS WANTED COME IN FOR DETAILS Jim Paluzzi's ON ELMER AVE. SAYRE America's Most Scenic Dining Room O'Brien's Inn The Motel that 0'Brien's are building has three floors with a balcony for each room overlooking the beautiful valley below. Each floor has eight rooms and the 1st floor will have Fall Colors, the second floor will have Spring Col.

ors and the top or third floor will have Summer Colors. Perhaps you COULD HELP US by helping us Name the different floors. With such thoughtful and pretty decorations, just seems that each floor of eight rooms should have a pretty name. Would you please help us name them'! To the Winner we will put on a real party-dinner for you! And you can bring up to six friends. Could be fan and really will help us.

ABRIEN'S a waverly hill N. Y. ROUTE WAVERLY, N. Y. Phone 565-2556 SAVE BOTH OPEN CLEANING TIME DO and and BOTH MONEY LAUNDRY NEVER ALWAYS JIM IN LESS COIN THAN OPERATED ONE PALUZZI'S HOUR CLOSED CLEANERS and LAUNDRY AL WEATHER Coots, Jim Paluzzi Carries A Tremendous Selection Of This Most Practical Coat In The Latest Fabrics It Every ColerAnd Purpose Either Casual Or Dress And The Prices Are Right.

MEN SIZES 34-46 $13.95 to $27.95 BOYS SIZES 6-20 $9.95 to $17.95 LADIES SIZES 5 to 18 $14.95 to $29.95 FAMOUS BRANDS Zip Liners Guarantee Satisfaction Optional JIM PALUZZIS TOGGERY Clothing and Clothing Service ON ELMER A VENUE SAYRE.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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