Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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4 timehe! Alp r' Washington nd at a tj i 21 945 im ujj uw WILDWOOD 1 LURAY CAVKENS LURAY CAVERNS VA VIRGINIA NEW YORK NY I 0 EDUCATIONAL 12 Treatments $25 ATLANTIC CITI £1 EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL COLONIAL BKACH VA VIRGINIA BEACH VA NA 1748 13th and Premier Sunday Cross Word Puzzle ei 1 A Things This Training IV Will Help You DO: RABYE VA Glatnotous os STAUNTJN VA i TRAVEL MIAMI BEACH LA 0 (Solution on fe 8) jHELDON Colonial Beach Va I IN JOY MONTICELLO fiah COIUNS 3 Berwyn iremen Plan und Drive School Information CATALOGS DATA ADVICB (MH) BOWllMi HlMMl Ownership Management JOSIAH WHITES SONS LTD I I I WIWvnT laast Hotol 9 When the Branchville Md ire Department starts out Thurs day to solicit funds to continue its work for 1945 46 it expects little trouble in getting grateful citizens of the Berwyn district to diydown: Since its organization in 1929 the volunteer department headed BASYE VA Relax at this differed mountain resort enjoy tempting meals American plan $25 535 weekly whom gift ismad Seton 90 Meditator TJhrum IN THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS ONLY 90 MILES rom WASHINGTON! THE IDEAL 1 VACATIONLAND exhausted (colloq) 94 Close com partment 95 Cafe where vaudeville Is during meals Thief Dale Carnegie Author of to Win riends and Influence People? Xeadershlp draining 7 Institute of 318 Colorado Bldg Phone: District 4165 KENTUCKY AVE NR BEACH JOHN ETTER Sane and common sense physical conditioning under personal supervision at Bill Hutzell former coach at of Md Army Training program Georgetown University and Iqr many years physical Instructor st the YMCA 110 Smear 111 Vehemence 112 Inactive Give Salt Water Bathinr Tiehlnr Dancing etc Dtftct Greyhound Bus Service Booklet Chamber of Commerce Refrig erant 94 A touch ing Plague 98 Silkworm? 1 99 Earthy Under done Giggled A shrub 107 Sweetened biscuits Annealing oven A WHOLE NEW WORLD Allege Recess in the short Joint of leg Variety at hematite Star pilots necker of Branchville: Mack Lakeland Cron Hollywood on the Hill Mark Kier nan Cherry Hill Dan Wiseman Metzrot Rd Paul Baker Auto vllle Sayre Daniels Park and Stuart Parker of Baltimore Boulevard Catering to Traniitnti ti doubli iuili ih private both bower IIATI 00 5 HU A NI AH 8 2 Short Blocks Io Cenfral fork Walking butanes to Radio City Thsotrss and Shopping Centers A AtscDonold BILL HUTZELL'S PHYSICAL ITNESS CLUB 1719 St NW EX 4204 Just Off Connocticut Avenue VACATION $3150 AT VinaiNIA BRACH VA 1 Develop Personality and Confidence 2 Knowledgi'o Human" Relations Become a Leader Increase Your Income Think and Speak on Your eet Win and Hold riends Be a Good Conversationalist Prepare and Give a Good Speech Enlarge Your Vocabulary 10 Improve Your Memory HOTELS AND RESORTS Henry lay Kentucky Ave Atlantia City 1st Hotel from Board walk 1 $200 UP PER DAY PER PERSON Running water Private baths Elevator Beautiful Ocean view Rooms Parking Ownership Mgt Ph A 4 9655 LINWOODHOUSE Now open: under new management No change In rates er style of service Restricted Maude WOLCOTT HOUSE On Waterfront American Plan Dellclone Home Cooked Meals Write er phone £4 for reservations JACK HURLEY Prop all Classes for Men and Women start Septem ber 24th at 6:30 PM Only a limited number may be accommodated Enroll now and 1 Be assured of a reservation Secure special discount2 LUI AY CHAMBER COMMIKI Istsy Virjislo or Your Summer Vacation Excellent 18xhole golf course where the fairways meet the mountains Swimming Tennis Horseback Riding Spacious bedrooms with baths CONNECTICUT AVENU1 1880 in INGLESIDE HOTEL AND COUNTRY CLUB STAUNTON VIRGINIA MT VERNON108 PACIIC AVE ATLANTIC CITY BOOM AND BATH OR TWO $6 $7 daily WITHOUT BATH OR TWO $3 $4 $5 DAILY Special weekly ree bathing Elevator Phono A 4 3832 Sumner Camp or Sammer School ENROLL NOW OR SECOND SUMMER TERM Consult SCHOOL GUIDANCE CENTER or Indil4nHA gljtim U2O Street NW NAHoral ISIS Specialising also In preparation for the Service Academlee (West Point Annapolis Ooaat Guard) uU athletic program Registra tions now being accepted tor the fall term for which a few va cancies exist ALL TERM BEGINS 8EPTEM HER 11th or Mtvnnlatab InfArmi tlon call SHepherd W0 or write 11th and 12th grade classes WILLIAM BULLIS Principal (Graduate United States Naval Academy) Pt jnVASIA'S PITmOu4 SIATiON WAGON TaAl" Enjoy your summer vacation at this beautiful modern re sort hotel acilities for 1 swimming and all forms of recreation AUGUST THRU SERTfMRERJ WASHINGTON HOTEL Home Cooked Meals Refined Service Open All Year Moderate Batea SCHOOL OR BOYS Day and Boarding Grade 1 Booklet Transportation All Sports Bethesda Md OUnr SlOO Requiring 57 Leaf of pine 59 Clique Bold 62 Having least elevation Enroll now for tho DALE CARNEGIE COURSE in Effoctivo Spooking and Human Rolationo Available'WriWiRweev ol vWtfty fa Hofei Guwt Haws end Aparhnein Dirttfory WILDWOOD Ryth IdaNEW JERSEY "3 7 8 9 rom a 'great distance Ascribe Anlnser tlon 15 Gelatinous substance New Toothed irregular Rhythm Man Barren Single metrical line' River in rance Design 27 A sum ming up Silk ront of chest Heal 35 Twelve month 36 Arctic Assenting Mount "44 meat 48 Impair 49 Tura aside Harvest Regret Sarcasm VERTICAL Toothed Hard or One to cogwheel 43 Consumed Juicy berry 46 Of the ear ODarlborough Blenheim fORA DIUGHIEUUY' TWithtul Oh Military rrayaraury Junior gehMla Malar and Junior CoIIorm ItatM from 4700 ur aww bsrengi oicif Kt 3935 xMajfower Os BMnSMh st Tmnmu ATLANTIC CITY Spodow lowg MO dk hrrnn HoUsy dMng room tag wotor In baths froa bathing from room gwiiral locoboa Wro tandw Mogoyog Osraclor learn PUBLIC SPEAKING! Train for Leadership! Increase Your Income! MIAMI BEACH XX ANS I AUGUST 20 Kindly Send ree Information to Me About the Dale Carnegie Courae: My Nanin My Addreia Zone VXBGINU SEMI A feast of fun and diversion' awaits you in Old Virginia cool sea rolling in' along Vir ginia's celebrated batches jWwH will thrill you Jflcturesqn £1 mountain resorts offer ideal 'j VV retreats from the heat and jjHWR crowds Boating horse I 'Hmf back riding golf moun t'Wl tain hiking plenty to do Natural Bridge i subter fe ranean fairyland of caverns Natural Virginia has many wonders of nature BA You'll find a real vacation in the Old Dornin' Jh' ion where shrines of historical significance loata vie with beach and mountain attractions Many visitors adopt Virginia as home: ideal year round climate friendly progressiva neighbors ample data is Write tor REE Copy of Pictorial Booklet VIRGINIA 7 CONSERVATION COMMISSION A Boom 884 914 Capitol Street "1 R1CHMONP IS VIRGINIA 2 Motion Pictures oa Virginia Available rfARROLI I New Yert Av AtiMtle City I Stet rem the Beaeh" i Special august rate I WKLY Per Person in Room) Running water all rooms Prlvete baths and showers Elevator ree bathing '11 VX NfWTOHKM Silver Spring Md SHepherd 6600 AN ACCREDITED BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Announces that due to the de mind from prospective DAY students another building and additional teachers been secured for the coming school term Existing transportation makes the school easily access ible from Northwest Washington 7 end many suburban points 10tbr WESTMINSTER Kentucky Ave Atlantic City Ocean Block Nr Boardwalk up EB DAY 9 AA 1UV per PERSON RUNNING WATER PRIVATE BATH Elevator to Street ree Bathing Privileges Parking Ownership Mgt Phone 4'0127 Play SAE Put your travel foods in American Express Uavelers ependabie as cash and uiforl If any are lost or stolen you get a prompt refund Just sign each dieque wfan you buy It and sign it again when You spend it No other identifiretion i needed'No time limit good until used Cost only 754 per 9100 (Min 404) Sold st Banks and principal Railway Express Offices nunuRs ohks rlfal Hr! IB Hi'iUtKi Whether you are 18 or over 30 there 'e a colorful career waiting for you In tha fascinating hotel field Hotels from coast to coast are calling for trained men and WAmwn Thousands of Lewis graduates are today staffing the bettei Joos in leading hotels everywhere They live and work in lux urious surroundings hold Important well paid enjoy every minute of their duties Beat nf all they know that tha lemands of a travel hungry pub lic will mean even greater opportunities in the postwar world Train NOW tn America's first and only school of its kind Previous experience proved unnecessary Lewis National Placement Service GUARANTEES you will make when placed Visit this k00! Phone or write for REE BOOK Open daily to pM Aak for Mr Todd Earning Claotoo Now orming! Wildwood Jfenor Ltrgtit rom Hotel Intira Black Surf AvMa J4Hi la 25th Straata WILDWOOD Bathing from Hotol roa Parking co*ckfall Loungo Suppar Club Music Dancing lnast Culilna Attractive Day Wook and Season Ratos oldor and Rato Information on Request Daniel Ahern Menejrr ELKTON VA THE GABLES 'bicylink mvk I ELKTON VIRGINIA Vacation In the mountains only IK aU from Washington Ideal for Maine i itay Or wook ood trips Kambllng delightful Hotel American Plan from 30 ooekly Riding Qelf Bwitntaing Boat ing ishing Biking Rlklng Hurtdm Write Box eall Klktoo 1M for rMorvationi TRAVEL Shorthand and Typewriting I lor beginners Refresher speed building classes fnr stenographers typists and clerks' Also terminal courses for secretarial careers Ac credited diplomas awarded Ask for catalog NEW ABSECON 11 8 Kentucky Av Atlutle City C7 rtrt DAILY 8(8 8ERS0N (P AA4 UU ur TWO ROOM Hot and eoU running water Private bath itab or hewer) Beaeh block Bathing IrMi from room Cntral location Make iwuiiUoM early Telephone A 5 0878 HORIZONTAL Wet oot Sharp lever Davor Cavil Sound Analyze gram matically Unaspirated Gum resin 64 Make pre clpltous Organic compound 68 Silently Shoots 71 Emblem Check Impene trable hardness Ardent spirit in Turkey India etc Load 121 Localized vector math 123 Color speare' Leer Wipe out 128 Armistice 129 Glacial snow Abouna Re lease Guide Corner WK: Dm Ar iron yimb YrrivelMS omoN AcademY T'lllr lorcilHcd Prcputg lot colk ia 01 uiry Ahl family SwiaII cIhW KUprtOwd Mudy Jnwcf formHI iMiyrrhi new Miuigaic budd me fl'Hmwutlwf ircpmofed VuU'L itejs muiihiing pool All nthlstki Ll hraUli rnfjid KtudcnU from 27 Sute airi other ti'Uiiti nfnlop'dMti ieir Dr Whiter l'ia Box IJ utk Union Vior pliuoa KM 4174 NEW A TLANTA HOI EL Bnli lntri" An Adventure Good Liv ing Private and pier amous Southern Style meals Ntw dining room on river Public served Greyhound Bue aervlee ree booklet The BULLIS SCHOOL been instrumental in reducing fire insurance rates from 54 cents to 27 cents per $100 property val uation a spokesman for the de partment said It has grown moreover from one Model ord pumper to a swift moving outfit with two mod em trucks and two ambulances with a completely trained and equipped fire rescue squad The drive will be directed by Buscher Wilson of Ber wyn helping as cochairman and the fonowing en the solicitations committee: 'a Mrs Archie Hushes Berwvni bLA Buscher of Berwynp has A Winker and Longa SEA SPRAY OCEAN RONT AT 2BTH STREET I AU Kooma with Private or Conneetlug Bath ttt iPECiAL VmLumTiX $3500 Wteklr 7 Oaa tht Nawut Hrtab at vfrgliiia Baarf Va' Write Win Pbana RMMvatitM Va Baath 1248 REDORD PA strip ox flexible material 13 Even poetic "14 Making threefold Practical unit of electrical etnTrar 16 estive 17 Woe is me! 18 issure 28 Turbid Elf 32 Sounded 34 Beginner Sheeplikq aulty Jewelry weight Withered old woman pistslWanted SECRETARIES NEED 1525 DAILY $35450 WK Quick Refrather and Cnureet OR QUICK RESULTS ATTEND BOYMCMOt 25 Team Exp Civil Bwtee Coaching OLDi UNIONTOWN PA MfWMnOMUTIABMn BWNUM WW PbniMl Training' loafer HD BuripejjHIpHpi The Arandale BEDORD A or Rott and Relaxation Comfortable Rooms Good ood Golf Tennis and Riding BEADDOCK HEIGHTS MD CAMP SCHLEY INN BniMtedi itetebte Mi private location near awlmminr poo! and nark American Plan Reaaonable Rates ExeelJent Meate Phone 87X1 or write for rates what you STILL are made only maybe hidden by unsightly bulges or a sour dis position Wartime housewives with all the new problems with help just a memory forget that stimulation ahd relaxation are necessary in gredients to health Take tune out while Hubby is away and Junior is at play Slip down to the Stauffer System and let us show you how gentle rhyth mics relax you for that after dinner whisk those Inches away correct posture and relieve posture strains stimulate your circulation relieve dinner worry headaches be as poised as a cap as smooth as cake batter as dcddv as your condiment shelf Spot Reducing visit td LUray Caveroa will ba a remembered experience for you and your children Luray Caverna is the largest cave 4 in Virginia the moat beautiful in the mm mb world Real Southern hospitality and finest IbIM Southern food at The Mlmalyn Rare music MW bS Rw from Singing Tower Horseback RR RK KR Bf ndmr swimming fishing tennis and htk ml RRBR inr in the Blue Ridge Mountains many vBr Wfl other enjoyable recreations Ute Virginia Trailways MOM ANP NTW rtNL AVT rHONt DI1330 Opportunity WAITING OR' YOU IN THE HOTEL AND INSTITUTIONAL IELD Day and Lewis Hotel Training School 30th Year sso1 PennvlvMl Are NW MB MM Ext II 1 In the fork 2 Price of tranapor tation 3 Aconite 4 Lessen Daydream Prior to Rejoinder Become 77 worm Hazard American 52 Whole jury iraaing post on frontier Attempt 9 Midship man Dip 11 Orderly Narrow Coagu looRepur frin rt InfnI chase 102 Decrees Wandering Amount of assess ment 108 orce air violently through PRINCESS South Carolina Ave Atlantic City All Rooms with Bath or Running Water EUROPEAN PLAN ree Bathing Elevator Capacity 500 RAE SCULL NAGS HEAD KILL DEVIL HILL8 NXTH Wl LBUR WRIGHT NAGS HKAD KIU DEVIL HILLS New most delightful" hotel on beach Attractive rooms with pri vate bath A playground of miles of tawny sand Surf bathing boat ing ishlngbeachclub Open In September of morning Largest river in rance Appliance to protect injured part 77 Dormant 80 Disrobe 84 Impress US coin Dark bluish gray i Within Buffalo cod 90 Cora bread Pierces DELICIOUS OOD 7zr Expertly prepared emptirigly Served IBTIICTH) aiEXTRf WEEKLY tBBVATIOlB IXYITED The largest and only fireproof Hotel on tho Ocean Promenade Hourly Bus Service rom Norfolk NOW UNDER THE PERSONAL DIRECTION CHARLES GAY MANAGER ELBERON IPMlfis at Ttanessoo Avt Atlsatls I Most Modorato PrlM Hotol I tlM a sir Potior Dally OspooHo I Cathallo ao4 Protootaat Chorohos Oro I block from Boardwalk Plwao 4 0434 I Tennessee Avenue GbAK European plan Running water Private baths Bathing from Hotel LOVETTE louthore MtM I 00 Mb 1 2 tte makiai olly asorsdltod hr Motarlaa Upoor so4 LHor SehMla 300aoro estate mUoo ooothMrt of WatelRtoa Howto 3 lafoor owlomlM pool All IWatfa ailBarvlMS afteflu aMMB 7 Halted oarollmoRt Catalog oa roeuoot latea part of milk Gasp piece of connects ing pipe 68 Obtain by digging Godly yeTsorT 73 Excel in sailing Rive 75 Charge' LonE narrow 115 althful casing tor a bore hole Daub Chart Termina 'tor Look fixedly a ti HiwWiW LjSSPoegoeo POCOMOKE COTTAGE Room and Board Good food our specialty Reasonable rates Also furnished cottages SAMUEL ColonlaJ Beach Va NOVELTIES JEWELRY fountain service Opposite Mayfair Theatre 1I6HT ON THE OCEAN VIMINIA BEACH YA EUROPEAN PLAN Cowalrttiy Rsamtod aa4 Newly onilsbsA Thw oushly Modors Owsor shlaMsMfoarart Ethasr Dsns formerly of Omsr Vlov Va or write for information Phono 1 rHr a I fi' nJNk UNIQUE innwElKSa I 1 Pm fa*gyj £snsfel1' 6 iJr: Bafi' avsB'iJtaXfia TH uw a mm wwowaOa am wem nnmw moot swoms w4Q eeoe seeo I waoMgmcaMioemMWMoemms I WfcKButfjfeMumm 1 io iP" 15 7 TT TT" 3J 40 41 22! 42 43 44 45 46 41 47 TT TT T7 TT Si "77 i77 77? 77" 54 55 Sb 57 61 fcZ 63 's'' MM SMM MM 64 (5 22 6b 67 I 66 74 15 76 2 11 14 22 61 62 63 4 afa 61 9 86 6 227 'zr 22 rm 54 777 86 91 79 lo ici 102 103 TT i04 06 IKL HI 111 115 114 US 116 111 116 uT 110 HI 122 123 124 IZST 116 121 77 126 2Z iso 577 i3i WT LI I I I I I I I I I I I I I Accommodcrtfons Availoble'WrifaSurteo 1 vMicify lot Hofei Gunt Home end Apsrfment Directory WILDWOOD 8y fh j8sNEW JERSEY Colonial Beach Va I iujEEi(7rx'5f ft I.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 5698

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.