Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE PITTSTON GAZETTE MAY 2, 1911. PAGE 5. TUESDAY v. krtr Hate That .4 Are New and Distinctive. Tremendous Price Reductions ON LADIES' HIGH GRADE SUITS AND COATS ii THIEVES PAID VISIT TO THE BOOS HOUSE A bold robbery was perpetrated during the early hours of Monday mt ruing, when the home of John ffioos, of Carroll street, was entered and the first floor of the dwelling ransacked.

Mr. Boos conducts a saloon in the front of the building. The robbers made their way into this apartment and disposed of a considerable amount of the liquor on hand. The thieves the house uy f'iking a 'pane vol glass out of' the pantry window and unlocking it. After raising this window, little difficulty faced them, as to entering other apartments of the house, and they soon made their way to the sideboard in i the dining room.

After ransacking every drawer in the sideboard, they left this room with money from two purses, a half dozen silver table spoons and also a half dozen silver spoons. The thieves then went into the bar room and partook of a couple of bottles of the best whiskey. Several boxes of good cigars were scattered about the floor and one box of ten cent cigars is missing. When th? family came down stairs yesterday morning, the back door was wifle mien and an investigation reveal IliS'' THE WESTERN VIEW OF THE COAL TRADE Perhaps the most noticeable feature 1n the coal trade, for the week has been the hesitancy among coal users to commit themselves on contracts. Big Frank Muitley, of Sugar Notch, spent yesterday with friends in town.

Misses Mary Mitchell and Cecii Hutchinson spent Sunday at the Gallagher residence in Wilkesbarre. John D. Allardyce, of Broad is confined to his home, suffering from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Miss Agnes Cavanaugh, of Norman street Cork Lane, has returned home after spending a week with relatives in Allentown. Miss Mary Glslon, of Carbondale, is spending a few days with her broth interests have been delaying the clos ing of contracts even though the pricesi So anxious are we to reduce this immense stock of SUITS and COATS that we'have priced them as follows to close out quick: RACK NO.

1 contains fifty Suits, all colors and silk lined. C. Regularly Sold $15.00, $16.50, flSO Sale Price $12.98. RACK NO. 2 contains forty five Suits, good assortment of colors Regular Value $22.50, $25.00, 27.50 Sale Price RACK NO.

3 contains seenty five Suits, the verv cream of the season's st vies. Regular Value $25.00, $27.50, $31.00 Sale Price $22.50. RACK NO. 4 contains sixty five Suits that are STRICTLY EXCLUSIVE IN STYIJiTlToT ors and sizes. Regular Value $32.50, $35.00, $37.50 Sale Price $25.00.

During this SUIT SALE Ave Will offer our entire stock of SEPARATE COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS, MISSES' AND JUNIOR COATS AT 10 Per Cent Discount 4 You will find these Suits advertised on our MAIN FLOOR, on separate racks, exactlv as advertised. THE CRANE MARKS ort that visitors had been In their offered have been nigniy satisiaciory, savs the Black Diamond (Chicago). home during the night. We have made specific Inquiry and tind that thus hesitancy has nothing struetion work in this country is at er, Rev. Father Gislon of Our Lady of Mt.

Carmel church. Mrs. Thomas Gibbons and grand children, Paul and Katherine Mr very low ebb. Ora Cairl, aged 16 years, daughter; of Mrs. Susan Cairl, of 163 North Main! street, made an unsuccessful attempt Cabe, of Sayre, are visiting relatives in this city.

Mrs. James Clark returned, today to iher home in Towanda, aftr spend ing a few days among relatives and whatever to do with tne prices charged. In fact a good many of the consumers are inclined to admit that prices now are more favorable than th: are likely to be a little later on. We have found that no one who Is of the belief that prices for this year are going to be lower than at present Thus there is something more than the dissatisfaction with tire prices charged which is causing this delay. It is apparent, however, that something is holding the consumers back.

An investigation along that line proves that the buyers are somewhat in doubt as to how much coal they are likely to want. Their fuel needs will, of course, depend upon how much business they themselves have and the amount of business done by each coal consumer must depend in the main upon the status of business itself. Therefore the uncertainty or the buyer is the uncertainty of what business it seif is going to do toward the close of this calendar or coaf year. Vpon that sub.je it is impossible to to end her life last evening by drinking oil of cloves that was slightly tinctured with chloroform. The girl had been employed as a servant, but came home recently, and, according to the mother, she was in a highly nervous condition.

Last tvening, avout seven o'clock, during the absence of her mother, the girl had a slight dispute with an older sister, soon after which she went into the front room of the house and swallowed the contents of a bottle containing oil of cloves, which the mother had in the house to prevent toothache. Shortly afterward the girl was found lying unconscious on the floor of the front room. Members of the family applied restoratives and the girl recovered slightly, but again lansed into unconsciousness. Dr. Mc Ginty was then called and treated the girl.

She recovered consciousness and it is believed that she is out of danger, though she was still somewhat wak today. Shortly taking the poison, the girl asked her sister in law for a pencil and wrote a note in which she said: "I am going to kiil myself and go to my father." 424 Lackawanna Jrvenue, Scranton, Pa. friends in Pittston and Scranton. Hon. William Drury and wife, Misses Hannah and Margaret Drury and Harold Drury returned home this afternoon from a two weeks' trip to the Bermudas.

Peter J. Malloy and Miss Sarah L. McCannon. young people residing in Susquehanna, came to Pittston this morning on a matrimonial errand. Alderman Lewis Smith took pleasure in granting the couple a marriage license, after which they proceeded to the parsonage of the.

First M. E. church, on Broad' street, where Hev. Dr. Cure tied the nuptial knot and sent the couple away rejoicing.

Miss Marjorie Reddington, of Scranton, spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Jean Callahan, of Tompkins street. Miss Daisy Wisley, of Mill street, has resigned her position with thi; international correspondence schools, to accept one with the Lackawanna Railroad in Scranton. obtain concrete information: The only thing which stems to point in a gener OFFICERS OLD (JUDGES SALARY ACT I APPROVED BY SENATE; al is the slowing down of shipments of iron ore which indicates no great amount of Interest in the steel trade, which seems t5 mean that con BOARD DOR OF Pi UP TO 1 GOVERNOR WERE RE ELECTED Wonderful Grocery Specials within 24 hours unless time is extended. Increasing salary of coroner of Philadelphia from $5,000 to Amending act fixing salaries of county commissioners, which will have effect of making salaries of 'commissioners $1,000 per year In Susquehanna, Elk, and Clarion counties. Prohibiting pandering and providing punishment for those engaging In white slave traffic.

Fixing fees to be received by pro thonotaries in counties having between 200,000 and 1,000,000 population. Allowing council of a consolidated borough to elect a secretary and treasurer annually and high, constable and auditors biennially. Providing State censorship of moving pictures views and films. Providjng for a commission to eradicate chestnut blight and appropriating $275,000 for investigation of the disease and destruction of infested trees. Three bills were defeated as follows: Exempting billiard arid pool tables and bowling alleys from distress Tor.

rent. Empowering boroughs to pave highways without petition. Fixing compensation of borough and township tax collectors at four pe cent when duplicate is under $40,000. For Wednesday Only In All Our Stores Yeas Adams, Baldwin, Buckman, Catlin, Clark, Cooper, Crow, JDeWitt, Endsley, Fox, Homsher, Huffman, Hunter, Jamison, Keyser, Kline, Kurtz, MJcConnell, Mellhenny, Mc fichol, McNicholls, Morgan, Powell, Salus, Shields, Snyder, Sproul, Thomson, Tustin, are, Wasbers, Wertz, Wil bert. Wolf 34.

Nays Hayes, Ileaco*ck, Herbst, Jarrett, Jones, Judson, Knapp, Manbeck, Martin, Miller, N'ulty, Jones, Weingartner 14. Bills Passed by Senate. The senate last night passed finally these bills: Authorizing the insurance commissioner to proceed against and take possession of any insolvent or delinquent company or concern transacting any class of insurance; also two bills making changes in salaries and other regulations to the insurance department. Regulating the licensing of brewers and distillers. Providing for the selection of assessors in third class cities.

House bill making train wrecking a felony punishable by a fine not exceeding $10,000 and imprisonment of not more than ten Jeers'; case anyone is killed in wreck the offender shall be deemed guilty of first degree murder. House bill empowering the federal government to acquire lands in Pennsylvania for forest reserve. Regulating the construction, maintenance and inspection of buildings used for moving pictures in Philadelphia. Providing for a city form or government in boroughs having 18,000 population or over. The excise commission bill and the measure limiting saloons to one: in every 700 population were not taken Fancy Creamery Butter This is a very good quality of butter good enough for any table.

If you try this butter you will be nm priscd nt Its siml, dell oioiiH flavor. Lb Reorganization of the Pittston Poor Hoard was effected late yesterday afternoon at the home of the socretary, I H. Durkin, in lnkerman, all of last year's officers having been re fclected. When the board assembled at the Home yesterday morning, for the annual reorganization, one of tne members, Mr. 'Durkin, was unable to attend.

He had been quite Ul, and though recovering and able to be about tho house was not in condition tn make the trip to Hansom. Temporary organization was, therefore, effected by the election of Gomer Jones, of Taylor, as temporary president and Thomas J. Llewellyn, of Avoca, as temporary secretary. The law says that the board must reorganize on or before the first Monday of May, and the majority members of the board decided to go to the home of Mr. Durkin, in order that he could participate in the work of reorganization.

Mr. rurkin was conferred with by phone and invited the members to come to his home, in lnkerman. The four members of the board in attendance on the meeting at Hansom left that place Harrisburg, May 2. The much discussed judges' salary bill was passed by the senate last night by a vote of thirty four to fourteen, and iater the house concurred In the senate amendments to the measure oy a vote of 114 to 52. The bill now goes to the governor.

Senator Herbst Democrat of Berks, made a brief speech against the bill and Senator Fox (Republican), of Dauphin, spoke for it. Mr. Herbst said there was no demand for the bill except from the paid attorneys of the judges in the legislature. By that, he said, he meant attorneys who by their support of the bill receive in Indirect ways favors from Judges before whom they practice law. The bill provides the following annual salaries: Chief justice, Supreme court, associate Jus'ice, $13.

000. President judge Superior court, associate judges, $12,000. Common Pleas judges of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, Common Pleas judges of Dauphin county, $9,000 Common Pleas judges of Lackawanna and Luzerne counties, Common picas judges in Westmoreland, Schuylkill, Berks, Montgomery, Fayette, Lancaster, Cambria, Washington, York, Xorthampton, Lehigh, Delaware, Krie, Northumberland, Chester, Blair, Clearfield and the Judicial district of Huntingdon. Bradford, and Mifflin counties, Common Pleas judges in all other counties, $6,000. Judges of separate courts shall receive the same salarv as the Common Pleas judges of their county.

The vote on the bill was as follows: in PKEDS REco*kDKD. Light Lean Salt Bacon The very finest light Sut Bacon from little pigs, tender and nice, streaked witli fat and leiui. Tills quality Baron sells in most stores at I8o Wednesday 'Special lb 2 Patrick Kelly, of Exeter, to John Clapes and others, of Hazle Township, property in Exeter, Tor $1,100. Oscar K. Willard, "of Wyoming, to William C.

Baldwin, of same place, property in Wyoming, for $1,675. I'rman Luciano, of Exeter. to Domenico Mauriello, of same piace, property in Exeter, for $5,000. at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon and came to this city, after which Messrs. Jones and Brennan proceeded to the1 home of Mr.

nuns in, where reorgani zati.n was effected. Directors Iwentian Durkin participating in! Canned Peaches up for consideration. i Bills Passed by House. Bills passed finally by House last night were as follows: Requiring milk or ice cream con tainers to be cleaned and returned i Fancy String Beans Electric Vacuum Cleaners at Ash's. Canned Beets High grade of canned beets; very trader, gar a den grown.

Special Finest quality of California lemon cling peaches. 'Regularly 25c for. Finest quality; high grade string bonus. Regular price, 10c. Special I6c 8c the election.

Directors J. H. Mullin, of this city, and Thomas J. Llewellyn, of Avoca, declined to participate in the meeting at lnkerman, though invited to do so by the majority members. The pflWrs elected are the same as last year, the list being as follows: President Gomer Jones, of Taylor.

Secretary P. H. Durkin, of Inker S. H. Green Trading Stamps With Every Dime You Spend Here Mac.

and Spaghetti Fine Fruit Jelly Treasurer M. J. Brennan, of this; Ginger Snaps Strictly fresh and crisp ginger snaps, the dainty kind; per lb. This jelly is what citv. Physicians Dr.

K. V. McGinty, of this city, Dr. W. H.

Herge, of Avoca, and Dr. W. H. Olmstead, of Taylor. Superintendent of home and farm G.

H. llifenbary. the cliidlren like and Good quality; in full weight one pound packages; regular price Be. Special 5c 22c Its cheaier tliun butter All flavors, lb. crock.

Afatron of home Mrs. G. H. Rifen i 1 Dom. Swiss Cheese Fancy Queen Olives LimbuTger Cheese bary.

There is no question whatever as to the legality of the election of officers. A majority of the directors were in attendance on the meeting at which the election took place, and there is nothing to prevent the board from meeting outside the Ransom Home, if it so desires. I dirge size, line flav Highest grade choice brand and tasty and delicious. Pound The lliicst grade of X. Y.

State domestic Swiss cheese. Kxtra fancy and tasty. Lb. I7c ored Oiieen Olives: this nr is fine fruit, cr quart Lfi 19c It StirtlHl the World. wIumi tlio astouiHling claims pro first made; for Iturklen's Arnica Siilve.

but forty years i of wnndt'iful cure lmvi proved them ti nt, and over where it Is now known as the hest salve on earth for Hums. Bolls, Scalds, Double Stamps Every Morning Jonas Long's Sons Women's High Grade Model Suits REDUCED TO QUICKLY SELL ODD SIZES $35 Suits Now $25 $55 Suits Now $40 $50 Suits Now $42.50 $45 Suits Now $35 $40 Suits Now $30 All arc suits taken from our own regular stock of good suits. Many aro copies of finest imported models. They come in serge and mannish worsteds. Of some onlv one of a kind.

i Wash Dress Goods Priced to Save You Money Silk Finished Foulards 39c a Yard Kegularly these would be considered good value, at oOo a yard, 'fliey com with rich dark color grounds and patterns that will appeal to every woman." Come choose them earlv. Smoked Bacon Pork and Beans Choice Lima Beans Nice tender Lima Beans. Choicest Yonk a State 1 Xf grade. ''Spceial at fcJV Fine Pork and Beans, packed with choice Tomato sauce. This quality is usually sold at lUc I'ancy light.

lean breakfast bacon. Kx titi special, lb Sores. uts. Hrulses. Sprains.

Swellings, Chapped hands. Fever Sores and Only at Peck's Apothecary: Shop, CONTRAKlTlf IRK ON THOMAS STREET! 8c 18c Sn. Flake Crackers Laundry Starch Work was started this morning by Contractors McConvillp and Kitzpat rii k. on the repaving of Thomasi street, between North Main street and: Japan Rice Kxtra fancy Japan Iticc. Large, smooth grains.

6ypounds 25c Kxtra jtoimI" fluality Fresh and crisp every day from nenr by bakeries: packed especially for us. Per package laundrjStarch paek it 5k ed in 3 pound' boxes; regular 18c value. At Olive Oil Graham Wafers Fancy Cakes Fresh baked Sugar Ynnila. Orange Crisp Fresh baked Ura Ward's; your choice of any brand in tine Kronen "live oil imported from France to us. First pressing.

1 (it. can 8c and Molasses Cakes: regular 10c value. Pound stock: regular 10c 71c 8c the Lehigh Valley Railroad This short piece of, road was paved some years ago with asphalt, but the. surface had become perforated with! boles, and the pavement was in bailj condition. Late last year the contract; for the paving of the street with brick i was let by the city councils to Mc C'onville but winter came on and it was Impossible to start th" v.oik.

1 'tiring the past week brick was hauled on the ground, and today aj force of workmen was engaged tear ing up the old asphalt surface and tlvi coblilestone bas The contractors will push the wnriv on the pave and ex r.eet to have it completed very soon. The enrli is already in place. The eon crete base will be laid, after which the; bi ill be placed in position. The Ni brick is being used. McConvillc and Fitzpatriek also: have everything readv to proceed, v.

the work of paving Fulton street, between William and Broad1 streets. The curbstoifes and the brick ire already on the ground and work or. the pave will be started as soon as the enneret" base has been completed on! packages. At 15c A YARD Fancy plaid batistes with white grounds. All new patterns.

25c A YARD Fancy figured silk finished ousseline, usually sold everywhere at a yard. 15c A YARD Fine new dress ginghams, come inches wide. Real 19c value. 10c A Choice new dimity with light grounds. Very pivttv patterns.

19o A YARD Bordered dress lawns. all new patterns, and every wanted color. 10c A YARD Xew dress ginghams, Aery fine weave and choice, pretty patterns. Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled. 311 37 South Main St.

Jortas Sons, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Thomas street. Eat Bohan's bakery jfoods..

Pittston Gazette from Pittston, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.