The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Pr Read Western The Most New Newspaper Widely England In THE SPRINGFIELD 1 UNION THE WEATHER Fair, Cold SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1949 30 PAGES THREE CENTS VOL. 86, NO. 55 VOTES FULL SUM GO TO EUROPEAN RECOVERY PLAN Senate Committee Favors $5,580,000,000 Asked by President in Message Washington, March, 7 (P)-The full the Administration asked for the second installment of the Marshall Plan was approved tonight by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 13 tO 0. Amendment Added The committee added an amend. ment encouraging the "unification of Europe," despite objections from Chairman Connally (D- TE that it would give it "hollering point" to Russia, which charges the C.

with dictating to foreign nations, The committee decided against makIng any cuts at this time in the 580,000.000, which is designed to speed recovery of Western Europe. Price fluctuations are too uncertain, comleaders felt. to warrant A ent now, but several senators reserved the right to ask one later. "If there should be a great price reduction, then' ECA will be able to save its dollars, Connally said. Significant Decision The committee made 3 significant de decision not to ECA into an tic commodity markets.

ECA instrument for supporting the domestl Paul Hoffman was directed by A statement in the record to "give sym-! pa pathetic economy consideration" to purchases. S. But this was not made mandatory. purchase surplus American farm Wherever possible. Hoffman is; to products.

But the only mandatory provision on commodity is that 13 per cent of the wheat shipped to Europe must be in the form of flour. The Human Side New Lives Ahead Washington. March 7 (P) Nine ships with a combined capacity of 5000 persons will leave North German ports in March with displaced persons who plan to settle in this country, the International Refugee Organization said tonight. Three of the will dock at Boston, five in New York and one in New Orleans. It's Always Something McPherson, March tAP)Robert C.

Hickman's car WAS struck twice by a train within an hour, The he was arrested for failing to report An accident. Hickman. 29, and Charles Memminger, both of the Smoky Hill Air Force Base at nenrhy Salina. were driving on country road when Hickman's. car stalled on a railroad track.

train came along and slightly dama stemminger started to town for a wrecker. Hickman attempted to get the car started again but it stalled on the tracks again. Another train smashed into it, this time causing considerable damage. Hickman was unhurt. Tax Battle Ended Pembroke, March 7 (P)-The case of Pembroke's tax -battling jeweler came to a tragic end today when George J.

Simpson and his wite were found shot to death. in their apartment. Police said it was A double suicide. Simpson. 18.

who had staged a one-man fight with the Federal Revenue Department since he opened a new store here last November, was found dead in bed with his wife, Rachael. Simpson. a former Baptist preacher who came to Pembroke several vears ago, recently paid heavy fines to the revenue department for failure to collect the federal 25 per cent luxury tax on his merchandise. Former Lifer Citizen Scranton, March 7 (AP) A stooped. graying man of 60, once sentenced to death for murder.

stood before Federal Judge Albert L. Watson today and "with tears in his eyes haltingly repeated the oath of Cnited States citizenship. Thus Anthony Sperduti of Sayre climaxed his long fight from prison to a respectability. Last' month Judge Watson granted Sperduti's application for citizenship over the objection of the, C. S.

Immigration and Naturalization Service. Sperduti was convicted of first degree murder in February. 1923, and tenced to death in the electric chair. The late Gov. Gifford Pinchot commuted the sentence 10 life And 1947 Gov.

'James H. Duff granted full pardon. Up the Creek Kansas City. March 7 -The Government Weather Bureau had no l'Pport from its Ashland. river ohserver today--the Platte River waters were in his bedroom And he was marooned.

The observer. Philip Teguio, reported presumably by telephone that he awoke to find A foot of water in his bedroom and that he couldn't reach his. boat moored to A tree. Save That Pooch! Charlotte, N. March (AP)- Thirty- -two sleepy tots padded calmly out of smoke-filled Alexander Orphans Home before dawn today.

Then started outside. Their pet puppy missing. Miss Blanche White. home director, rushed back into the huilding and rescued the pup. That calmed the 32.

DIES OF WOUND Edmunds, March 7 (A) -Earle Dudley. 52. Moosehorne Federal Wildlife Reserve superintendent, died in a St. Stephen, N. hospital of gunshot wound.

State trooper Harold Johnson. who Investigated, said the abdominal wound was "apparently self inflicted." Plan to Scrap Holyoke Canal System Suffers 1 Two Blows in Hearing Not Only Do Paper Manufacturers Testify It Would Jeopardize Their Industry, but Proposal of Development Given by FPC Would Retain Waterways Holyoke. March 7-Scrapping of Holyoke's century -old canal system, as proposed in the plan of the municipal Gas Electric Department to develop the power resources of the Connecticut River at the Paper City, WAS hit from two sides at the Federal Power Commission hearings today. Two Blows E. C.

Tucker. paper mill executive and chairman of the manufacturers' committee intervening in the license applications of the city department and the Holyoke Water Power Com-1 pany. which operates the canal sy4tem, said abandonment of the materways would jeopardize the papermaking industry in the city. The other blow at the city department's proposal came when Thomas M. Crum.

project analyst for the Federal Power Commission, recommended the continuation of the canal system in unveiling the commission staff's, own plan for the river power development. Tucker estimated it would cost the Continned On Page 10 Nationalist Cabinet In China Resigns Premier Sun Fo Announces Acceptance of En Bloc Action by Acting President Li Tsung-jen Nanking. Tuesday. March 8 (AP)China's Premier Sun Fo announced toiday the resignation of his Nationalist! Cabinet. The premier told some 200 members of the legislative yuan that acting President Li Trung-jen had accepted the 'n blow resignation.

The yuan had convened to hear Sun's administrative report. Have Been at Odds (Sun Fo and Li have been repeated. Ily reported at odds since Li became on the retirement" of Chiang Kaf-shek. (With the Communists engulfing North China and Chiang taking refuge the south. Sun Fo went with his' Cabiner to Canton and sought to es.

tablish the capital there. Li then got into -war. aimed at the government in Nanking seeking peace with the Reds.) Sun said th'e Cabinet decided at a Continued On Page 6 Greenfield, March 7-A record town election vote was seen here tonight as figures indicated 7781- almost 75 per cent of the registered total--thronged polls throughout the day. Final Returns Seen Late With late returns lacking at a date hour it was believed final tallies would not be available until early morning hours. Leaders of both parties were both pleased and confident at the heavy vote and watched with avid interest race between Selectman C.

Keegan and his Democratic opponent, Francis A. Farrell. both of whom waged a vizorous campaign. It was apparent from the flood of calls at newspaper offices and the local radio station that voter interest was focussed on this race. RECORD VOTE SEEN CAST IN GREENFIELD Polling Probably Will Cause Late Return 'Tally Noiseless Noise Providing Novel Water Fountain New York.

March 7 can get a drink of water from noiseless noise at the radio engineering show Three- Inch Jet Sound waves which you can't hear create A drinking fountain They send water spurting up in A jet three inches high. The jet rises in A continuous fountain from the middle of a glass tub partly. filled with water. There's no pump to force the jet up. The water is simply kicked into the air speed by.

of sound 500,000 waves, second. created at the You could drink from this fountain. But it's not intended for that. demonstrates a new step in making and focusing supersounds which promise many kinds of scientific magic. Rowl Vibrates The fountain is shown by the Brusn Development Cleveland, at the exhibits of the Institute of Radio Engineers' convention.

It's secret is a shallow bowl. four inches in diameter. The bowl, lies hollow side up in the middle of the Continued On Page 6 LUDLOW SESSION VOTES PURCHASE OF 'REC BUILDING Town Meeting Members in Generous Mood as Total of $628.271 Apprved ludlow. March 7-Town meeting members were in a generous mood here tonight and appropriated 271.50 in covering the 49 articles in i the town warrant. Board Overridden The finance board had mended 3 total of $601.175.01, but on almost every important issue the precinct voters refused to accept the recommendations of that hoard.

Members voted to purchase the Stevens Memorial Recreation Building for the $32.000 asked, this article heing the main reason the largest croad in years was in attendance. The building is to be purchased for municipal purposes without any specifications as to its use being made at this time. The selectmen were authorized to appoint four citizens to work with on A committee of seven to theme recommendations as to the disposition of the "Rec." Public hearings will be held by the committee at special town meeting called at a later date. Has Field Das The Police Department had a field day, at the meeting. coming out with two' new motorcycles and a new cruiser, as well as winning its fight for one day off in six with pay.

Chief Continued On Page 6 Amherst, March 1-Believed to be the first time in the history of the state that an annual town meeting and special town meeting occurred at the same time. Amherst town meeting members tonight voted down, 109 to 67; an article for 'the construction of an elementary school building. School Housing Inquiery An article asking that the moderator and the selectmen appoint committee to investigate the school housing situation was dismissed, and a motion WAS passed adding four new NEW SCHOOL VOTED DOWN AT AMHERST. Annual and Special Town Meetings Held at Same Time Continued On Page 6 Stafford Tax Rate Will Remain Same Stafford Springs, March 7- 25-mill tax rate on the Grand List of $7,185,459 was set by the Board of Finance tonight, it was announced by Parley C. Patton, chairman.

The rate is the same as that of last year. Town taxes -are due and payable during the month of April. PEACE TANKS RESUMED Rhodes, March 7 (A)-Armistice talks between Israel and Trans-Jordan were resumed today after a twoday lapse. Drive Against Tax-Dodging Cigaret Dealers Is Planned city -wide drive against who try to dodge the state cigaret tax will. he started next week.

Cigaret Tax Director Ralph H. Caspole said yesterday. His announcement followed his second seizing of cigarets in several days. Yesterday afternoon, he seized 23 cartons of cigarets from Teddy's Variety Store at 540- Plainfield whose proprietor, Caspole said, lg Fred Wotton. It is alleged no taxes were paid on the cigarets, Partyka Fined The first raid was at a.

store operated by Roman and. Margaret. Partyka, of 106 Washhurn who were fined $100 each in 'District Court lyesterday after being found guilty of REP. SOL BLOOM, HOUSE LEADER, DIES AT AGE 78 Foreign Affairs Chairman Succumbs to Heart Attack; Was in 14th Term REPORTS INSIST HOLYOKE'S AWP QUITTING PAPER Riverside Division's Closing Would Follow Parsons Division Closely Marelr (4)-lop. Sol Bloom (D-N.

chairman of the House Foreign. Affairs Committee, died unexpectedly tonight of a heart attack. He would have been 79 the day after tomorrow. Dies in Hospital His death occured at 8.50 in the Naval Hospital at nearby Ruthesda, Did. 'The veteran congressman, widely known for his philosophical manner, and his beribboned pince-noz.

hal entered the hospital March 4. That day was one of unusual sig. nificance for Bloom. For it was on Continued On Page 10 Holyoke, March T-Reports persisted tonight that the Riverside Division of the American Writing Paper Corp. is no longer to manufacture paper, Long Landmark The plant, located in Cabot St.

near the Willimanset; Bridge, has long been a Holyoke landmark and has been producing paper since before the turn of the century. at which time it joined the American Writing combine. The corporation at one time comprised over 25 mills. The Riverside division figured briefly in the headlines in recent months when it experimented for a time 1n the production of newsprint from deinked stock. In the event report is accurate, this would he the serond I Writing mill to close with.

in a year. inasmuch as the Parsons Division went down last April. Report Strengthened Strength has been added to the report when it became known that the company has transferred River: side unit's superintendent, Henry Corle, to the Crocker Division to fill the Saturday gap left of by William the G. resignation Powers, last Along with the transfer of Supt: Coyle, his assistant superintendent. Patrick McGinty, was also ordered to the Crocker Division.

HOOVER URGES COMMERCE POST STRENGTHENING Thinks That All Controls On Transportation Should be in Department Washington, March 7 (P) -Herbert Hoover, who used to be Secretary of Commerce, thinks that job should be more important than it is now. His commission today recommended that all government controls of transportation on highways. planes and ships -should he shifted to the Commerce Department. Sweeping Recommendation In many ways this is the most sweeping recommendation made en far by the commission. which is studying reorganization of the executive branch of the government.

For in order to accomplish its purpose, all or part of pight other covlernment azencies would have to be shifted to Said the Commerember. bipartisan group: "It was the original intent of ConContinued On Pare 6 ODOM, OVER IDAHO, FIGHTS BAD WEATHER IN HIS LIGHT PLANE for by de tic pa 13 a a Expects to Reach New York Okay Despite Storms Surpasses Own 2401-Mile Record, After Crossing California Coast From Honolulu ARROW INDICATES SPOT WHERE ROY'S BODY FOUND yesterday afternoon by members of the Ground Rescue Team of Westover Field. Men point to footprints in the snow which led out to the spot where the body of Lloyd Schiff, son of Dr. "and Mrs. Joseph Schiff of 56 Manor was found in a hog known as Maynard Pond.

The body was spotted by Cpl. Marcel P'orlier and was recovered by Cpl. Joseph Bohr who risked his life. Both men are members of Flight of the Fifth Rescue Squadron. MISSING SCHIFF BOY IS VICTIM OF DROWNING Father, Physician, Works Over Son 'to No Avail; Found in Bog "He's dead." It was the toughest pronouncement of death that Dr.

Joseph Schiff of 56 Manor Rd. ever would have to make. Face white with pain and hands shaking. Dr. Schiff straightened himself and looked at the lifeless body of his years oll son.

Lloyd, who laid streched out in his brown coat. And green leggings on the soggy ground that surrounds the hog known AN Maynard J'ond behind the Schiff home in Manor Rd. A wAr-toughened paratrooper, who had seen death in all its forms during Continued On Page 10 Railroad to Use Davlight Time Boston, March 7 (P) Ever sit down during warm -wenther daylight sating time and try to out A railroad timetable written in standard time? The New Haven Railroad apparently sympathizes with the plight of its customers who have to NO through those annual mental gymnastics. When the East switches to daylight paving time April 21 the New Haven will switch. too.

Henry F. McCarthy, vice- president in charge of traffic, announced today. New timetables will he in tune with the clock. he said. So will all the public clocks in its stations.

How to Spot Nervous Breakdowns Is Told Such Fatigue Most Common Cause of Spring Fever Feeling in Winter, Doctors at Conference Learn March 7 tired? Maybe you have a nervious breakdown. Anyway, that's what Dr. Walter C. Alvarez says is the commonest cause of that spring fever fceling in the wintertime. At Mayo Clinic Dr.

Alvarez is senior consultant at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. He spoke today 10 some 2000 family doctors attending the Arst scientific assembly of the American Academy of General Practice. "So many of the people I see complain principally of being tired," Dr. Alvarez said. "They have no pep.

They have Dost their joy in life. They want to know why they are dragging around." First off, the Mayo physician said, he wants to know if the patient has earned his fatigue through overwork. Usually Not Recognized "Perhaps there has been great strain, or grief, or disaster, in the family, or in the business," he said. "Persons who have earned their fatigue generally feel it. late in the There, he said, Is where this ner- Boise, Idaho, March 7 (AP) -Bill Odom battled bad weather and possible ice conditions over the Rocky Mountain states tonight in his attempt to better a nonstop distance record for light planes.

Going Okay He told the Civil Aeronautics Administration radio station here as ho pushed along on his gruelling Hono lulu-to-New York flight: "I feel fine. I think I'll make it okay if the weather doesn't fou: me up." Odom already had crossed the cific from Hawaii to the California coast, and had surpassed his OvA record of 2401 miles as he pushed northward through. California toward South -Central Oregon. Swinging far north of his intended eastward course, Odom droned on. After flying over the Golden Gate well Continued On Page 6 World Reports Loyalty Suit Filed Westfield Officials See Airlines Loss Statewide: Mayor Bush, Chamber of Commerce Officials Hint Possible Massachusetts Ennui One Cause for Change Westfield.

March 7-Disclosure today that American Airlines. will file A petition with the Civil nautics Board asking permission to transfer its Barnes Airport operations here to Bradley Field, resulted in quick action by officials of this city. Matter Discussed Following a conference at the City Hall this evening. Mayor Bush an- Holyoke, March' 7-United Ition against House bills 1228 and 1929 was pledged today by Toopfert and members of the executive board of the Chamber of Commerce. The chief executive was guest of the hoard at the weekly meeting in Hntel loser Smith.

Would Control Water Pone. The bills, virtually identical, have reference to A. move on the part of the Municipal Gas Electric Department to seek legislati, sanction of an application for a federal license to consfruct and operate A Continued On Page 6 CONCERTED DRIVE PLANNED AGAINSTI PROPOSAL Holyoke Mayor, of Pledge Fight On Water Power Control Chicopee Man's Racket Is Ended North Adams, March T-1 racket by which a Chicopee man prospered over a period of 11 months has come to 11 abrupt halt. Joseph Nadeau. 29.

admitted in District Court today that for nearly 3 year he had mulcted his' 'employer at the Mohawk Gurnee of $3 10 $6 a ray. of by the Judge case to William April A. O'Hearn when Nadeau promised to make restitution of $350. The Chicopee man told the coit he had been pocketing money taken in from sales of gasoline and then making out. false sales slips, which purported to show that the gasoline had been put into the company's tow trucks.

nounced the matter was discussed at length. "We formulated tentative plans which we are not ready to announce at this time," he stated. Mavor Bush met with Elwin TV. Smith, Municipal Aviation Commission chairman, and Kenneth Pease and Glenn B. Cowles, president and Continued On Pano 6 A farmer and co-operatively operated livestock market probably will be established by farmers of Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin (counties and the southern counties of Vermont and New Hampshire at the Three County Fair grounds in NorthJampton, it became known last night.

meeting of the committee in charge of the project will be held at NorthContinued On TarP 6 Freight Is Derailed On Boston Albany Pittsfield, March freight derailment on the, Boston and Albany Railroad this afternoon held up one passenger train for a' few minutes. Train 40. due in this city at 3.20, was delayed while wrecking crews worked on a number of freight cars that were tied up when one car loft the rails under the bridge at Merrill Rd. FARMER-OWNED LIVESTOCK MART IS BEING STUDIED Co-operative Probably Will Be Established at Fair Site in Northampion Chains of Students Save Valuable Books at Oxford Oxford. March -Chains of students today passed to safety books from Oxford University's blazling Oriel College library.

Firemen prevented the' fire from spreading to other buildings. The library roof was burned. Few books in the valuable collection were damaged beyond repair. 'and permanent injuries which already have entailed, and will entail further. expenses for medicine, medical attendance, hospital anl nursing care.

Miss Lancor, partly crippled. was on her way to work when the cruiser struck a her and 3 man crossing street at the same time. Officer Bailey was penalized to several tours of duty without pay by the commission because of his failure to renew his driver's license. The plaintiff is represented in the action by James M. Carroll.

Driver of Police Cruiser Is Facing Suit for $75,000 $75.000 suit against Patrolmansevere Janies It. Bailey, Springfield policeman recently penalized by the Police Commission for driving without A license. WAS ontered for trial in Superior Court yesterday in hehalf of Doris JI. Lancor. a pedestrain whom ho allegedly ran down in the incident that led to the discovery of his license irregularity.

The plaintiff claims that the cruiser which, Bailey drove on State St. Jan. 19 urns. "negligently and unskillfully operated." She also declares that she suffered Washington, March 7 (AP)-A suit assailing the government's loyalty, checkup as unconstitutional was filed in U. S.

Court today. The plaintiffs were 26 postal em-. ployees involved in various stages of the investigative procedure established to determine the loyalty of federal employees. They contended they had been unjustly accused and deprived basic American rights. Want P'rograms Banned They asked the court to declare the program unconstitutional.

Represented in the action were workers from Cleveland, Detroit, New York City and field. N. J. They included 12 negroes and eight Jews, and 0. John Rogge, their attorney, said in his connection that the program had been used as an instrument for racial and minority group discrimination, "especially in the Post Office department." "They are not after Communists," Rozge told A nens confernce after filing suit.

"They are after Russian Slavery London. March 7 British trade unionists said today the medical examination for Germans rounded up to mine uranium for the Russian's is 50 haphazard that a youth with one arm was passed as fit for work. Robert Willis and James Bowman reported to the Trades Union Con-. gress on a recent visit to the British zone of Germany. where they talked with several dozen German youths and girls who had escaped after varying periods of labor in uranium mines of the Joachimsial region.

of the girls we talked to n'as frail in physique." Willis said. "She was just over 18 years old and employed as a hair dresser. Despite her unfitness for work, she was dragzed off to the mines. "The miners received a pittance in pay. but there is no doubt about its being forced labor.

Their German identity documents were taken from them and Russian documents with which they were replaced were valid only in the region of the mines." Romania Ends Aid Bucharest, Romania, March 7 (A)- The government closed the Romanian branch of the American Joint Distribution Committee, A Jewish aid organization, and sealed its offices today. A Swiss Jewish office also was Continued On Page 10 failing to keep accurate records ol their cigaret Caspole, who prosecuted the cause, announced the P'artykas' license to sell cigarets. would suspended. The director, whose office is with the State Department of Corporations land Taxation. said Wotton's case would tried in District Court next work, after.

Caspole returns from Boston. He said each store in the city would be covered in his investigation, in which he will have the assistance of several other investigators. Where violations are found to exist by court ruling, dealers will lose their licenses and the cigarets which are seized, he said. vous breakdown business enters the "Usually his breakdown has not picture. been even by good internists," Dr.

Alverez continued. "Why? Because they were. depending on tests land X-ray studies, and such tests do not reveal A nervous breakdown. "The'y' do not. show that the woman in the office has 1 broken heart, because of the loss of beloved hushand.

or bean. or only chill. Such tragedies alo not show up in tests." Two More Types brenklowns. ho wall. may be of two main types--one that is learned; 0110 that.

comes front 8t clear sky because, of A. nervous hero. dity. How do you tell the difference? "There is one eASY said Dr. Alverez.

"Those with a nervous break duo to had heredity often feel their fatigue on waking In the morning. Usually they straighten out afternoons and sometimes they Are full of energy by nightfall. "The man with a good heredity, who earns his fatigue by overwork, gets it usually in the afternon. By 4 o'clock he would loke to quit and go home. It is the work he has to do after he is tired out which docs him great harm and eventually brings a breakdown." The Weather FORECAST -Fair and continued cold today, highest near 40.

Tartly cloudy and warmer night and tomorrow. Gentile 10 moderate northerly winds becoming southwest late in day. -Highest in, the 24-hour period ending at midnight. March 7. 40 degrees; lowest.

22 degrees; mean. 31 degrees. Precipitation: None. ALMANAC -Sun rises 6.14. sets 3.19.

Light all vehicle lamps at 6.19. News Index Page 13 Amusem*nts Page 19 Cartoons Page 26 City Pazes 5, 9, 18. 27 Editorial Page 8 Financial Page 25 Of' Doc rady Page 8 Puzzle Page 12 Radio Programs. Page 23 Social Pages 14, 15 Sports Pages 20, 21. 22.

23 State, House News Page 30 Suburban Pages 2. 4, 18, 24 West Springfield Page W'inchell 11.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.